Dynamic SQL - Preprocessor2 for Embedded SQL

Teradata Preprocessor2 for Embedded SQL Programmer Guide

Preprocessor2 for Embedded SQL
Release Number
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

Dynamic SQL

COBOL does not conveniently support dynamic SQL. Writing a PL/I or C subroutine to handle dynamic requests is one option. To use COBOL, follow the guidelines below:

1 The application must supply the necessary SQLDA structures.

A sample SQLDA takes the following form:

   05 SQLDAID         PIC X(8) VALUE ’SQLDA      ’.
   05 SQLDABC         PIC S9(9) <comp> VALUE +104.
   05 SQLN            PIC S9(4) <comp> VALUE +2.
   05 SQLD            PIC S9(4) <comp> VALUE +2.
   05 SQLTYP-001      PIC S9(4) <comp> VALUE +496.
   05 SQLLEN-001      PIC S9(4) <comp> VALUE +4.
   05 SQLDAT-001      PIC 9(9) <comp>.
   05 SQLIND-001      PIC 9(9) <comp>.
   05 SQLNAM-001      PIC X(32).
   05 SQLTYP-002      PIC S9(4) <comp> VALUE +496.
   05 SQLLEN-002      PIC S9(4) <comp> VALUE +4.
   05 SQLDAT-002      PIC 9(9) <comp>.
   05 SQLIND-002      PIC 9(9) <comp>.
   05 SQLNAM-002      PIC X(32).

where <comp> is COMP-5 for MF COBOL and COMP for all other COBOL compilers.

SQL Stored Procedures and Embedded SQL (B035‑1148) describes the SQLDA and its fields.

2 The SQLDAT field of the SQLDA must contain the address of the host variable where data is to be obtained (input) or returned (output).

The SQLIND field of the SQLDA must contain the address of the host variable, if any, where the indicator value is to be placed.

Initialize the SQLIND field to X’00’ (LOW-VALUES) if the field is not used.

The Teradata Database supplies a routine through CLIv2 for setting the address of a field in COBOL. DBCHSAD places the address of a specified variable into a specified field.

This routine requires three parameters, a 4 byte field to contain the return code of the routine, a 4 byte field to store the address, and the variable whose address is desired.

An example using the above SQLDA takes the following form

CALL ’DBCHSAD’ return-code, SQLDAT-001, host-var

The precompiler generates the field SQL-RETCODE, which can be used to receive the return code, or the application can define a different field for the return code.

Declare the field as a PIC S9(9) COMP field. This field contains a value of 0 or 2 upon return from DBCHSAD.

A 0 indicates successful completion, while 2 indicates an incorrect number of parameters has been passed.

3 The string expression used for the PREPARE or EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statements must be a SQL string (that is a VARCHAR structure).

See SQL Fundamentals (B035‑1141) for additional information on SQL strings.

See “SQL Strings” on page 155 and “Host Variable Declaration” on page 167 for information on declaring VARCHAR fields.