The START option attempts to start the connection to the named TDPID (which must be defined in the DBCDLT) or all (ALL) of the TDPIDs defined in the DBCDLT.
During the START process, an attempt is made to resolve any logical units of work that may have been left in doubt on the database due to a connection failure.
The START process is as follows:
- The START option is initiated.Initiation occurs in one of two ways:
- Manually (initiated by an authorized terminal operator)
- Implicitly during DBCC initialization for TDPs for which START=YES is specified in their DBCDLT entry.
- The following message is displayed to report that the connection is being started.
- If the START option is invoked manually from a terminal, DAFC releases the terminal and attaches a non-terminal-related transaction to complete the start process.The start process accomplishes the following:
- Ensures the named TDPID is running
- Enables a task related user exit
- Resolves any in-doubt units of work
- When the START option successfully completes, the operator console displays the following message and writes it to the Transient Data Queue CSMT.
An authorized terminal operator can verify successful initialization of the connection by issuing the DAFC STATUS command.
- If errors occur during the start process, the appropriate error messages are displayed on the operator console and to the Transient Data Queue CSMT.