system - Hortonworks Data Platform

Hortonworks Data Platform for Teradata Administrator Guide

Hortonworks Data Platform
Release Number
July 2017
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Open Source


This command adds nodes, implements failover, controls Hadoop services, or reports component version in the cluster.


hcli [--option] system [addNode -n FQDN --type=type | failover | start | stop | restart [--stale] | version [option] ]


hcli system addNode -n FQDN --type=DATA | EDGE | MASTER [-h | --help]
Add a new node to the configuration.
  • -n FQDN Name of the node and Fully Qualified Domain Name added to the configuration.
  • --type=type Type of the node, data or edge, or master to be added to the configuration.
  • -h | --help Show help for this command.
Exit code 0 if adding the node was successful; exit code 1 if the node could not be added.
hcli system addNode -n hostname --type=DATA
hcli system setup_kerberos [OPTIONS]

Run this command before using the Enable Kerberos wizard.

The output of the command provides values you need to enter when using the wizard.

Configure local MIT KDC and prepare the Hadoop cluster for Kerberos enablement using this command and the Enable Kerberos wizard.

Executing this command will install the krb5-server package on Master Node 1 and install the krb5-client package on all nodes in the Hadoop cluster.

During the execution of this command the user will be prompted to set the password for the KDC database master key and the Kerberos admin principal kadmin/admin@<REALM>.

A principal and headless keytab will be created for the ‘tdatuser’ service account.

The local YARN usercache directories will be cleared.

During the execution of this command the user will be prompted to restart the cluster after making several configuration changes to various Hadoop services. This cluster restart is not mandatory, but if it is skipped, services will have stale configurations until they are restarted.

Option Description
-n | --node Optionally specify the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the host on which to install the MIT KDC.

If not specified, the default host is Master Node 1.

-r | --realm Optionally specify a custom Kerberos realm name.

If not specified, the default realm name will be based on the cluster name.

  • Run the command from Master Node 1.
  • You cannot run the command if Kerberos is already enabled on the cluster.
  • Exit code 0 indicates the Kerberos setup succeeded; exit code 1 indicates the setup failed.

Once the command is complete, run the Enable Kerberos wizard.

hcli system start | stop | restart [--stale] [OPTION]
Start, stop, or restart cluster services using Ambari .
  • start Starts the cluster services using Ambari
  • stop Stops the cluster services using Ambari
  • restart [--stale] Restarts the cluster services using Ambari . The stale option restarts only services with stale configurations.
Option Description
--yes Automatically answer 'yes' to all confirmation prompts
--no Automatically answer 'no' to all confirmation prompts
--help Show help for this command
Exit code 0 indicates the command succeeded; exit code 1 indicates the command failed.
Restart stale services in the cluster and show verbose output.

hcli --verbose system restart --stale

hcli system version [hdp | ambari | tools | tdh]
Display component version information.
Options Description
None Displays version information for all tools
ambari Displays version of the Ambari server
hdp Displays version of the Hadoop component only
tdh Displays information for the Teradata Hadoop Tools only
tools Displays information for the Hadoop Tools component only
Exit code 0 indicates the command succeeded; exit code 1 indicates the command failed.
To show all the component versions, run hcli system version
| Name                  | Version   |
| HDP                   | 2.3       |
| AMBARI_SERVER         | 2.1.2     |
| teradata-hadoop-tools | |
| teradata-hdp-release  |   |