ITEQ Display Control Commands
Display control commands are used to view lengthy results on the terminal screen. For example, if a result is wider than the display screen, display control commands may be used to move the screen right or left over the result up to 512 character positions.
Table 3 lists the ITEQ display control commands. Chapter 3 contains a complete description of each display control command.
Command |
Function |
Moves the display of the result of a Teradata SQL data‑generating statement backward from the current page to a previous page. |
Moves the display of the result of a Teradata SQL data-generating statement forward from the current page to a subsequent page. |
Moves the display area of the screen to the left a specified number of spaces in order to display a statement or macro result that exceeds the width of the display area. |
Causes the last displayed page of selected results to be displayed again. |
Moves the display area of the screen to the right a specified number of spaces in order to display a statement or macro result that exceeds the width of the display area. |