ITEQ Edit Control Commands - Interactive Teradata Query Facility

Interactive Teradata Query Reference

Interactive Teradata Query Facility
Release Number
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

ITEQ edit control commands allow the user to enter, edit, and execute Teradata SQL statements and macros (discussed later in this chapter). Edit facilities allow the user to:

  • Enter input of one or more lines. The number of lines may exceed the display space available on a single screen.
  • Modify lines by:
  • Inserting or deleting characters in a line
  • Inserting or deleting lines
  • Splitting or joining lines
  • Display selected portions of a statement or macro when either is too long to be displayed on one screen.
  • Enter a new command or statement while viewing the processing results of the previous input.
  • Display the most recently processed statement or macro for modification.
  • Invoke ITEQ edit control commands using program function (PF) keys on the terminal keyboard.
  • Table 2 summarizes ITEQ edit control commands. Chapter 3 contains a complete description of each ITEQ edit control command.


    Table 2: ITEQ Edit Control Commands 




    Adds one blank line to the edit area following the current cursor position.


    Clears the input area or the display area (when it is used for input).


    Moves the edit area display down (forward) over the current input string when this string exceeds the size of the current display.


    Sets the display area for input.


    Appends the next line of characters to the cursor position on the current line, overlaying the cursor and erasing any characters to the right of the cursor.


    Removes the line in the edit area on which the cursor is currently positioned.


    Creates a new line following the current line and moves characters right of (and including) the cursor to the new line.


    Submits a statement that was entered in the display area during input mode.


    Moves the edit area display up (backward) over the current string when this string exceeds the length of the current display.

    With the exception of INPUT and SUBMIT, which apply specifically to the display area, edit control commands may be used either in the input area, or in the display area when it is set for input. The area that is being used for input is designated the “edit area.”

    Insertion or deletion of characters within a line are terminal keyboard edit functions. The INSERT MODE key allows characters to be inserted before the cursor position. The DEL key deletes the character where the cursor is positioned.