ITEQ is composed of commands which are described alphabetically in this chapter. The structure of an ITEQ command is:
commandkeyword parameters ;
The command string must be terminated with a semicolon.
Specifies the function of the command. A command keyword is reserved for ITEQ; it may not be used as a symbolic name or as part of such a name. Appendix A contains a complete listing of ITEQ keywords.
Contain numbers, variable names, strings, special characters, an keywords that define the result of command execution.
Each command description contains:
1 A brief description of the command function.
2 The command form.
Defaults are underscored in the syntax format. Braces (“{ }”) indicate a choice; the user must enter one of the options within the braces. Brackets (“[]”) indicate an optional entry.
3 Usage notes describing how the command is used.
4 An example of command usage.