To change the character set to German during a session, enter the .[SET] SESSION CHARSET command as follows:
For help, enter the following command:
.foldline on all
.sidetitles on
help session;
BTEQ returns the following information:
*** Help information returned. One row.
*** Time was 0.25 second.
User Name KLD
Account Name DBC
Logon Date 90/08/24
Logon Time 16:23:45
Current DataBase KLD
Collation ASCII
Character Set GermanASCII
BTEQ -- Enter Teradata SQL request or BTEQ command:
Note: Use .SIDETITLES and .FOLDLINE before entering the HELP SESSION command for a readable format. If a bad character set name or code is given, the error returned from the Teradata DBS is displayed with the next SQL statement. The SQL statement is not executed.
To return to the default character set, enter: