Arguments - Aster Analytics

Teradata Aster Analytics Foundation User Guide

Aster Analytics
Release Number
November 2016
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Argument Category Description
InputTable Optional* Specifies the name of the table that contains the input data set.

*Required if you omit AttributeTableName and ResponseTableName.

AttributeTableName Optional* Specifies the name of the table that contains the attribute names and the values.

*Required if you omit InputTable.

ResponseTableName Optional* Specifies the name of the table that contains the response values.

*Required if you omit InputTable.

OutputTable Required Specifies the name for the output table that is to contain the final decision tree (the model table). The name must not exceed 64 characters.
AttributeNameColumns Required Specifies the names of the attribute table columns that define the attribute.
AttributeValueColumn Required Specifies the names of the attribute table columns that define the value.
ResponseColumn Required Specifies the name of the response table column that contains the response variable.
IDColumns Required Specifies the names of the columns in the response and attribute tables that specify the ID of the instance.
CategoricalAttributeTableName Optional Specifies the name of the input table that contains the categorical attributes.
SaveFinalResponseTableTo Optional Specifies the name for the output table that is to contain the final PID and response pair from the response table and the node_id from the final single drive tree.
SplitsTable Optional Specifies the name of the input table that contains the user-specified splits. By default, the function creates new splits.
SplitsValueColumn Optional If you specify SplitsTableName, this argument specifies the name of the column that contains the split value. If UseApproximateSplits is 'true', then the default value is splits_valcol; if not, then the default value is the AttributeValueColumn argument, node_column.
NumSplits Optional Specifies the number of splits to consider for each variable. The default value is 10. The function does not consider all possible splits for all attributes.
ApproxSplits Optional Specifies whether to use approximate percentiles (true) or exact percentiles (false). The default value is true. Internally, the function uses percentile values as split values.
IntermediateSplitsTable Optional Specifies the name for the intermediate splits table, if it is to be saved. By default, the function does not save the intermediate splits table.
DropTable Optional Specifies whether to drop the output table (specified by OutputTableName) if it already exists. The default value is 'false'.
MinNodeSize Optional Specifies the decision tree stopping criterion and the minimum size of any particular node within each decision tree. The default value is 100.
MaxDepth Required Specifies a decision tree stopping criterion. If the tree reaches a depth past this value, the algorithm stops looking for splits. Decision trees can grow up to (2(max_depth+1) - 1) nodes. This stopping criteria has the greatest effect on function performance. The maximum value is 60. The default value is 5.
Weighted Optional Specifies whether to build a weighted decision tree. The default value is 'false'. If you specify 'true', then you must also specify the WeightColumn argument.
WeightColumn Optional Specifies the name of the response table column that contains the weights of the attribute values.
SplitMeasure Optional Specifies the impurity measurement to use while constructing the decision tree. The default value is 'gini'. If the tree is weighted, this value cannot be 'chisquare'.