Arguments - Aster Analytics

Teradata Aster Analytics Foundation User Guide

Aster Analytics
Release Number
November 2016
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Argument Category Description
AttributeTable Required Specifies the name of the table that contains the attributes and values of the data.
AttributeNameColumns Required Specifies the names of attribute table columns that contain the data attributes.
AttributeValueColumn Required Specifies the names of attribute table columns that contain the data values.
CategoricalAttributeTable Optional Specifies the name of the table that contains the names of the categorical attributes.
ResponseTable Required Specifies the name of the table that contains the responses (labels) of the data.
OutputTable Required Specifies the name of the output table in which the function stores the predictive model it generates.
IdColumns Required Specifies the names of the columns in the response and attribute tables that specify the identifier of the instance.
ResponseColumn Required Specifies the name of the response table column that contains the responses (labels) of the data.
IterNum Optional Specifies the number of iterations to boost the weak classifiers, which is also the number of weak classifiers in the ensemble (T). The iterations must an INTEGER in the range [2,  200]. The default value is 20.
NumSplits Optional Specifies the number of splits to try for each attribute in the node splitting. The splits must an INTEGER. The default value is 10.
ApproxSplits Optional Specifies whether to use approximate percentiles. The default value is 'true'.
SplitMeasure Optional Specifies the type of measure to use in node splitting. The default value is 'gini'.
MaxDepth Optional Specifies the maximum depth of the tree. The max_depth must an INTEGER in the range [1,  10]. The default value is 3.
MinNodeSize Optional Specifies the minimum size of any particular node within each decision tree. The min_node_size must an INTEGER. The default value is 100.
DropOutputTable Optional Specifies whether to drop output_table if it exists. The default value is 'false'.