Upgrading a Teradata Viewpoint Server | Teradata Viewpoint - Upgrading a Teradata Viewpoint Server - Teradata Viewpoint

Teradata® Viewpoint Installation, Configuration, and Upgrade Guide for Customers

Teradata Viewpoint
Release Number
July 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem
If a backdown procedure is required, see Verifying the Previous Database Backup.
  1. Make sure the following conditions have been met:
    1. Teradata Viewpoint server is running.
    2. You have a CERTLIST of the Viewpoint packages and their dependencies.
    3. The target PUT version is available.
  2. From a console window, SSH into the server.
  3. Create a directory to upload Viewpoint packages and dependencies.
    /var/opt/teradata/customermodepkgs is the default for the install scripts and RPMs.
  4. Upload the Viewpoint packages and their dependencies to the new directory.
  5. If necessary, install PUT:
    1. Obtain PUT from the TSS.
    2. Install PUT, using the rpm-ivh or rpm-Uvh command (-U:upgrade).
  6. Using the Viewpoint server root credential (http://ViewpointServerAddress:8443), log on to PUT.
    The PUT screen appears.
    Do not enter your QuickLook ID.
  7. Select Install / upgrade and click Enter.
  8. When PUT is running in Customer mode confirmation appears, click Next.
  9. Verify package selection and location (/var/opt/teradata/customermodepkgs)
  10. Click Finish.
  11. Verify the packages installed without errors and that TDPUT has removed all temporary files.
  12. SSH into the Viewpoint server, and verify the Viewpoint services started successfully.
  13. Tail the Viewpoint log:
    tail –f /opt/teradata/viewpoint/portal/logs/viewpoint.log
  14. Using an Admin userID, log into the Viewpoint portal.
  15. Verify each of the Admin portlets loads and displays successfully without errors.
  16. Load the Add Contents page.
  17. Verify the installed portlets are listed.
  18. Verify the installed portlets loads and displays successfully without errors.