Environment/Catalog | Issue Description | Fix/Resolution |
Azure/Unity | Unable to run SQL: Unable to run SQL query: Database reported error:7825:in UDF/XSP/UDM TD_OTFDB.ICEBERG_IMPORT: SQLSTATE 38001: [TD-Iceberg]: Execution: [AllCols-Inner]: Error occurred while processing GET request |
Add this .*\.azuredatabricks.net and dfs.core.windows.net into Valtix fqdn allow list Azure: Valtrix is deployed at POD level AWS: AWS shares the Valtrix for the whole region |
AWS/Hive | [Error 7825] in UDF/XSP/UDM TD_OTFDB.ICEBERG_IMPORT: SQLSTATE 38001: [TD-Iceberg]: Execution: [Complete-Outer] Failed to connect to Hive Metastore" |
Edit the inbound rule of EMR cluster where HIVE catalog resides and add the public IP addresses of the POG nodes. |