Teradata Package for Python Function Reference on VantageCloud Lake - status - Teradata Package for Python - Look here for syntax, methods and examples for the functions included in the Teradata Package for Python.
Teradata® Package for Python Function Reference on VantageCloud Lake
- Deployment
- VantageCloud
- Edition
- Lake
- Product
- Teradata Package for Python
- Release Number
- Published
- December 2024
- ft:locale
- en-US
- ft:lastEdition
- 2024-12-19
- dita:id
- TeradataPython_FxRef_Lake_2000
- Product Category
- Teradata Vantage
- teradataml.scriptmgmt.UserEnv.UserEnv.status = status(self, claim_ids=None)
Function to check the status of the operations performed by the library/file
management methods of UserEnv. Status of the following operations can be checked:
* File installation, when installed asynchronously. Applicable for the files
with size greater than 10 MB.
* Install/Uninstall/Update of the libraries in user environment.
Optional Argument.
Specifies the unique identifier(s) of the asynchronous process
started by the UserEnv management methods.
If user do not pass claim_ids, then function gets the status
of all the asynchronus process'es in the current session.
Types: str OR list of Strings (str)
Pandas DataFrame.
# Create a remote user environment.
>>> env = create_env('test_env', 'python_3.7.9', 'Test environment')
User environment test_env created.
# Example 1: Install the file 'large_file' asynchronusly with 'large_file' found in
temp folder and check the latest status of installation.
# Note:
# Running this example creates a file 'large_file' with size
# approximately 41MB in the temp folder.
>>> import tempfile, os
>>> def create_large_file():
... file_name = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(),"large_file")
... with open(file_name, 'xb') as fp:
... fp.seek((1024 * 1024 * 41) - 1)
... fp.write(b' ')
>>> claim_id = env.install_file('large_file')
File installation is initiated. Check the status using status() with the claim id 53e44892-1952-45eb-b828-6635c0447b59.
>>> env.status(claim_id)
Claim Id File/Libs Method Name Stage Timestamp Additional Details
0 53e44892-1952-45eb-b828-6635c0447b59 TeradataToolsAndUtilitiesBase__ubuntu_x8664. install_file Endpoint Generated 2022-07-27T18:20:34Z None
1 53e44892-1952-45eb-b828-6635c0447b59 TeradataToolsAndUtilitiesBase__ubuntu_x8664. install_file File Uploaded 2022-07-27T18:20:35Z None
2 53e44892-1952-45eb-b828-6635c0447b59 TeradataToolsAndUtilitiesBase__ubuntu_x8664. install_file File Installed 2022-07-27T18:20:38Z None
# Example 2: Install the library 'teradataml' asynchronusly and check the status of installation.
>>> claim_id = env.install_lib('teradataml')
Request to install libraries initiated successfully in the remote user environment test_env. Check the status using status() with the claim id '349615e2-9257-4a70-8304-ac76f50712f8'.
>>> env.status(claim_id)
Claim Id File/Libs Method Name Stage Timestamp Additional Details
0 349615e2-9257-4a70-8304-ac76f50712f8 teradataml install_lib Started 2022-07-13T10:37:40Z None
1 349615e2-9257-4a70-8304-ac76f50712f8 teradataml install_lib Finished 2022-07-13T10:39:29Z None
# Example 3: update the library 'teradataml' to asynchronusly and check the status of installation.
>>> claim_id = env.update_lib('teradataml==')
Request to update libraries initiated successfully in the remote user environment test_env. Check the status using status() with the claim id '29d06296-7444-4851-adef-ca1f921b1dd6'.
>>> env.status(claim_id)
Claim Id File/Libs Method Name Stage Timestamp Additional Details
0 29d06296-7444-4851-adef-ca1f921b1dd6 teradataml== update_lib Started 2022-07-13T10:47:39Z None
1 29d06296-7444-4851-adef-ca1f921b1dd6 teradataml== update_lib Finished 2022-07-13T10:49:52Z None
# Example 4: uninstall the library 'teradataml' and check the complete status of all the asynchronous process'es.
>>> claim_id = env.uninstall_lib('teradataml')
Request to uninstall libraries initiated successfully in the remote user environment test_env. Check the status using status() with the claim id '5cd3b3f7-f3b8-4bfd-8abe-7c811a6728db'.
>>> env.status()
Claim Id File/Libs Method Name Stage Timestamp Additional Details
0 53e44892-1952-45eb-b828-6635c0447b59 TeradataToolsAndUtilitiesBase__ubuntu_x8664. install_file Endpoint Generated 2022-07-27T18:20:34Z None
1 53e44892-1952-45eb-b828-6635c0447b59 TeradataToolsAndUtilitiesBase__ubuntu_x8664. install_file File Uploaded 2022-07-27T18:20:35Z None
2 53e44892-1952-45eb-b828-6635c0447b59 TeradataToolsAndUtilitiesBase__ubuntu_x8664. install_file File Installed 2022-07-27T18:20:38Z None
3 29d06296-7444-4851-adef-ca1f921b1dd6 teradataml== update_lib Started 2022-07-13T10:47:39Z None
4 29d06296-7444-4851-adef-ca1f921b1dd6 teradataml== update_lib Finished 2022-07-13T10:49:52Z None
5 349615e2-9257-4a70-8304-ac76f50712f8 teradataml install_lib Started 2022-07-13T10:37:40Z None
6 349615e2-9257-4a70-8304-ac76f50712f8 teradataml install_lib Finished 2022-07-13T10:39:29Z None
7 5cd3b3f7-f3b8-4bfd-8abe-7c811a6728db teradataml uninstall_lib Started 2022-07-13T10:37:40Z None
8 5cd3b3f7-f3b8-4bfd-8abe-7c811a6728db teradataml uninstall_lib Finished 2022-07-13T10:39:29Z None