Teradata Package for Python Function Reference on VantageCloud Lake - update_lib - Teradata Package for Python - Look here for syntax, methods and examples for the functions included in the Teradata Package for Python.
Teradata® Package for Python Function Reference on VantageCloud Lake
- Deployment
- VantageCloud
- Edition
- Lake
- Product
- Teradata Package for Python
- Release Number
- Published
- December 2024
- ft:locale
- en-US
- ft:lastEdition
- 2024-12-19
- dita:id
- TeradataPython_FxRef_Lake_2000
- Product Category
- Teradata Vantage
- teradataml.scriptmgmt.UserEnv.UserEnv.update_lib = update_lib(self, libs=None, libs_file_path=None, **kwargs)
Function updates Python or R libraries if already installed,
otherwise installs the libraries in remote user environment.
* Use "install_lib" API call for first time package installation within
the environment. Use "update_lib" API only to upgrade or downgrade installed
packages and do not use it for fresh package installation when multiple
packages have the same dependency as it messes pip's package resolution ability.
* Use "update_lib" to update packages one at a time to prevent dependency resolution
Optional Argument.
Specifies the library name(s).
* Either "libs" or "libs_file_path" argument must be specified.
* While passing the libraries as string or list of
strings, one should adhere to the requirements
specified by underlying language's package manager.
For conda environment:
* Only library name(s) should be specified. Library version
cannot be specified.
Conda only updates the installed packages to the latest
compatible version and cannot update to a specific version.
For R environment:
* Refer to allowed formats here:
* Specifying as a character vector is not supported as one
of the accepted value.
* Whitespace is required between comparator operator(s) and
* '==' should be used for exact version, '=' is not allowed.
Types: str OR list of Strings(str)
Optional Argument.
Specifies the absolute/relative path of the file (including file name)
which supplies a list of libraries to be updated from the remote user
environment. Path specified should include the filename with extension.
The file should contain library name and version number(optional) of
* Either "libs" or "libs_file_path" argument must be specified.
* The file must have ".txt" extension for Python environment
and ".txt"/".json" extension for R environment.
* The file format should adhere to the specifications of the
requirements file used by underlying language's package
manager for updating libraries.
Sample text file content for Python environment:
Sample json/txt file content for R environment:
"cran_packages": [{
"name": "anytime",
"version": "0.3.9"
}, {
"name": "glm2",
"version": ">= 1.1.2, < 1.2"
* For conda environment:
The file should only contain the package names.
Library version cannot be specified. Conda only updates the
installed packages to the latest compatible version and
cannot update to a specific version.
Types: str
Optional Argument.
Specifies whether to update the library in remote user environment
synchronously or asynchronously. When set to True, libraries are updated
asynchronously. Otherwise, libraries are updated synchronously.
One should not use remove_env() on the same environment till the
asynchronous call is complete.
Default Value: False
Types: bool
Optional Argument.
Specifies the time to wait in seconds for updating the libraries. If the library is
not updated with in "timeout" seconds, the function returns a claim-id and one
can check the status using the claim-id. If "timeout" is not specified, then there
is no limit on the wait time.
Argument is ignored when "asynchronous" is True.
Types: int OR float
claim_id, to track status.
# Examples for Python environment.
# Create remote Python user environment.
>>> testenv = create_env('testenv', 'python_3.7.9', 'Test environment')
User environment testenv created.
# Example 1: Update a single Python library asynchronously.
# Install a Python library.
>>> testenv.install_lib(["joblib==0.13.2"], asynchronous=True)
Request to install libraries initiated successfully in the remote user environment testenv.
Check the status using status() with the claim id 'f44443a9-42c3-4fd3-b4a2-735d1bfb7c27'.
# Check the status.
>>> testenv.status('f44443a9-42c3-4fd3-b4a2-735d1bfb7c27')
Claim Id File/Libs Method Name Stage Timestamp Additional Details
0 f44443a9-42c3-4fd3-b4a2-735d1bfb7c27 joblib==0.13.2 install_lib Finished 2022-07-13T11:54:31Z None
# Verify joblib library is installed with specified version.
>>> testenv.libs
library version
0 joblib 0.13.2
1 pip 20.1.1
2 setuptools 47.1.0
# Update joblib libary to the new version specified.
>>> testenv.update_lib("joblib==0.14.1", asynchronous=True)
Request to update libraries initiated successfully in the remote user environment testenv.
Check the status using status() with the claim id '8bfe55fc-efaa-44c7-9137-af24b6bb9ef8'.
# Check the status.
>>> testenv.status('8bfe55fc-efaa-44c7-9137-af24b6bb9ef8')
Claim Id File/Libs Method Name Stage Timestamp Additional Details
0 8bfe55fc-efaa-44c7-9137-af24b6bb9ef8 joblib==0.14.1 update_lib Finished 2022-07-13T11:55:29Z None
# Verify joblib library version is updated with specified version.
>>> testenv.libs
library version
0 joblib 0.14.1
1 pip 20.1.1
2 setuptools 47.1.0
# Example 2: Update multiple Python libraries synchronously.
>>> testenv.update_lib(["joblib==0.14.1","numpy==1.19.5"])
Claim Id File/Libs Method Name Stage Timestamp Additional Details
0 28e0e03e-469b-440c-a939-a0e8a901078f joblib==0.14.1, numpy==1.19.5 update_lib Started 2022-07-13T11:56:32Z None
1 28e0e03e-469b-440c-a939-a0e8a901078f joblib==0.14.1, numpy==1.19.5 update_lib Finished 2022-07-13T11:56:34Z None
# Verify if numpy is installed with the specific version.
>>> testenv.libs
library version
0 joblib 0.14.1
1 numpy 1.19.5
2 pip 20.1.1
3 setuptools 47.1.0
# Example 3: update libraries specified in the requirements text file asynchrnously.
# Create a requirement.txt file with below contents.
>>> testenv.update_lib(libs_file_path="requirement.txt", asynchronous=True)
Request to update libraries initiated successfully in the remote user environment testenv.
Check the status using status() with the claim id 'd3301da5-f5cb-4248-95dc-a59e77fe9db5'.
# Verify if numpy is updated to the specific version.
>>> testenv.libs
library version
0 joblib 0.14.1
1 numpy 1.21.6
2 pip 20.1.1
3 setuptools 47.1.0
# Example 4: Downgrade the Python library joblib to 0.13.2 synchronously by specifying timeout.
# As higher version of the package is not automatically uninstalled, we need to uninstall the higher version
# to use the lower version.
>>> testenv.uninstall_lib("joblib", asynchronous=True)
Request to uninstall libraries initiated successfully in the remote user environment testenv.
Check the status using status() with the claim id 'e32d69d9-452b-4600-be4b-1d5c60647a54'.
>>> testenv.status('e32d69d9-452b-4600-be4b-1d5c60647a54')
Claim Id File/Libs Method Name Stage Timestamp Additional Details
0 e32d69d9-452b-4600-be4b-1d5c60647a54 joblib uninstall_lib Started 2022-07-13T11:59:14Z None
1 e32d69d9-452b-4600-be4b-1d5c60647a54 joblib uninstall_lib Finished 2022-07-13T11:59:17Z None
# Verify if joblib package is uninstalled or not.
>>> testenv.libs
library version
0 pip 20.1.1
1 setuptools 47.1.0
>>> testenv.update_lib(["joblib==0.13.2"], timeout=1)
Request to update libraries initiated successfully in the remote user environment 'testenv' but unable to get the status. Check the status using status() with the claim id 'ca669e5b-bd2c-4037-ae65-e0147954b85d'.
# Check the status.
>>> testenv.status('ca669e5b-bd2c-4037-ae65-e0147954b85d')
Claim Id File/Libs Method Name Stage Timestamp Additional Details
0 ca669e5b-bd2c-4037-ae65-e0147954b85d joblib==0.13.2 update_lib Started 2022-07-13T11:57:41Z None
1 ca669e5b-bd2c-4037-ae65-e0147954b85d joblib==0.13.2 update_lib Finished 2022-07-13T11:57:47Z None
# Listing the available libraries.
>>> testenv.libs
library version
0 joblib 0.13.2
1 pip 20.1.1
2 setuptools 47.1.0
# Examples for R environment.
# Create remote R user environment.
>>> r_env = create_env('test_r_env', 'r_4.1', 'Test R environment')
User environment 'test_r_env' created.
# Install R libraries in environment.
>>> r_env.install_lib(['glm2', 'stringi', "plyr"])
Claim Id File/Libs Method Name Stage Timestamp Additional Details
0 6b9c006a-35a6-4f98-ab88-7010af98c3b9 glm2, stringi, plyr install_lib Started 2023-09-15T17:14:12Z
1 6b9c006a-35a6-4f98-ab88-7010af98c3b9 glm2, stringi, plyr install_lib Finished 2023-09-15T17:16:37Z
# Verify installed libraries.
>>> r_env.libs
name version
0 KernSmooth 2.23-20
1 MASS 7.3-55
2 Matrix 1.4-0
3 base 4.1.3
4 boot 1.3-28
5 class 7.3-20
6 cluster 2.1.2
.. ... ...
31 glm2 1.2.1
32 plyr 1.8.8
33 stringi 1.7.12
# Example 5: Update single R library synchronously which is not present.
# in environment. This installs the library with specified
# version.
>>> r_env.update_lib('dplyr== 1.1.1')
Claim Id File/Libs Method Name Stage Timestamp Additional Details
0 44d7ef77-e904-4bb9-bc6f-fd10e6294d2d dplyr== 1.1.1 update_lib Started 2023-09-15T17:58:23Z
1 44d7ef77-e904-4bb9-bc6f-fd10e6294d2d dplyr== 1.1.1 update_lib Finished 2023-09-15T18:01:23Z
# Verify if library is installed with correct version.
>>> r_env.libs
name version
0 KernSmooth 2.23-20
1 MASS 7.3-55
2 Matrix 1.4-0
3 base 4.1.3
.. ... ...
33 dplyr 1.1.1
.. ... ...
37 glm2 1.2.1
.. ... ...
43 plyr 1.8.8
.. ... ...
45 stringi 1.7.12
.. ... ...
50 withr 2.5.0
# Example 6: Downgrade multiple R libraries synchronously
# by passing them as a list of library names.
>>> r_env.update_lib(['stringi== 1.1.5', 'dplyr== 1.0.8'])
Claim Id File/Libs Method Name Stage Timestamp Additional Details
0 0b481a55-66c5-41b3-bba6-bec553274538 stringi== 1.1.5, dplyr== 1.0.8 update_lib Started 2023-09-15T18:11:00Z
1 0b481a55-66c5-41b3-bba6-bec553274538 stringi== 1.1.5, dplyr== 1.0.8 update_lib Finished 2023-09-15T18:15:11Z
# Verify if libraries are downgraded.
>>> r_env.libs
0 KernSmooth 2.23-20
1 MASS 7.3-55
2 Matrix 1.4-0
3 base 4.1.3
.. ... ...
33 dplyr 1.0.8
.. ... ...
37 glm2 1.2.1
.. ... ...
43 plyr 1.8.8
.. ... ...
45 stringi 1.1.5
.. ... ...
50 withr 2.5.0
# Example 7: Update libraries synchronously by specifying
# them in a file.
# Create a requirement.json file with below contents.
"name": "dplyr",
"version": "1.1.1"
"name": "glm2",
"version": ">= 1.1.2, < 1.2"
# Update libraries specified in the file.
>>> r_env.update_lib(libs_file_path="requirement.json")
Claim Id File/Libs Method Name Stage Timestamp Additional Details
0 3399d416-8daa-49b5-a608-55e15fcbe89e requirement.json update_lib Started 2023-09-15T18:23:24Z
1 3399d416-8daa-49b5-a608-55e15fcbe89e requirement.json update_lib Finished 2023-09-15T18:26:33Z
# Verify if libraries are updated.
>>> r_env.libs
name version
0 KernSmooth 2.23-20
1 MASS 7.3-55
2 Matrix 1.4-0
3 base 4.1.3
.. ... ...
33 dplyr 1.1.1
.. ... ...
37 glm2 1.1.3
.. ... ...
43 plyr 1.8.8
.. ... ...
45 stringi 1.1.5
.. ... ...
50 withr 2.5.0
# Example 8: Update R libraries asynchronously.
>>> r_env.update_lib(["plyr== 1.0.3", "glm2<= 1.1.1"], asynchronous=True)
Request to update libraries initiated successfully in the remote user environment r2_env_spk. Check the status using status() with the claim id '81c60527-88c8-4372-9336-c3bd7793b2b1'.
# Check the status using claim id.
>>> r_env.status('81c60527-88c8-4372-9336-c3bd7793b2b1')
Claim Id File/Libs Method Name Stage Timestamp Additional Details
0 81c60527-88c8-4372-9336-c3bd7793b2b1 plyr== 1.0.3, glm2== 1.1.1 update_lib Started 2023-09-15T18:35:02Z
1 81c60527-88c8-4372-9336-c3bd7793b2b1 plyr== 1.0.3, glm2== 1.1.1 update_lib Finished 2023-09-15T18:35:19Z
# Verify if libraries are updated.
>>> r_env.libs
name version
0 KernSmooth 2.23-20
1 MASS 7.3-55
2 Matrix 1.4-0
3 base 4.1.3
.. ... ...
33 dplyr 1.1.1
.. ... ...
37 glm2 1.1.1
.. ... ...
43 plyr 1.0.3
.. ... ...
45 stringi 1.1.5
.. ... ...
50 withr 2.5.0