Teradata Package for Python Function Reference on VantageCloud Lake - subbitstr - Teradata Package for Python - Look here for syntax, methods and examples for the functions included in the Teradata Package for Python.
Teradata® Package for Python Function Reference on VantageCloud Lake
- Deployment
- VantageCloud
- Edition
- Lake
- Product
- Teradata Package for Python
- Release Number
- Published
- December 2024
- ft:locale
- en-US
- ft:lastEdition
- 2024-12-19
- dita:id
- TeradataPython_FxRef_Lake_2000
- Product Category
- Teradata Vantage
- teradataml.dataframe.sql.DataFrameColumn.subbitstr = subbitstr(position, num_bits)
Function extracts a bit substring from the integer or byte column
based on the specified bit position. Function returns a VARBYTE string,
thus resulting number of bits returned are rounded to the byte boundary
greater than the number of bits requested.
The bits returned are right-justified, and the excess bits (those exceeding
the requested number of bits) are filled with zeros.
Required Argument.
Specifies a ColumnExpression of an integer column or an integer literal
indicating the starting position of the bit substring to be extracted.
1. If "position" is negative or out-of-range (meaning that it exceeds
the size of integer or byte column), an error is returned.
2. If the argument is NULL, the function returns NULL.
Format of a ColumnExpression of a column: '<dataframe>.<dataframe_column>'.
Types: ColumnExpression, int
Required Argument.
Specifies a ColumnExpression of an integer column or an integer literal
indicating the length of the bit substring to be extracted. This
specifies the number of bits for the function to return.
1. If "num_bits" is negative, or is greater than the number of bits
remaining after the starting position is taken into account, an error
is returned.
2. If the argument is NULL, the function returns NULL.
Format of a ColumnExpression of a column: '<dataframe>.<dataframe_column>'.
Types: ColumnExpression, int
# Load the data to run the example.
>>> load_example_data("dataframe", "bytes_table")
# Create a DataFrame on 'bytes_table' table.
>>> df = DataFrame("bytes_table")
>>> print(df)
byte_col varbyte_col blob_col
2 b'61' b'616263643132' b'6162636431323233'
1 b'62' b'62717765' b'3331363136323633'
0 b'63' b'627A7863' b'3330363136323633'
# Example1: Requests that 3 bits be returned starting at the third bit
# from values in "varbyte_col" column and pass it as input to
# DataFrame.assign().
>>> res_df = df.assign(col= df.varbyte_col.subbitstr(2, 3))
>>> print(res_df)
byte_col varbyte_col blob_col col
2 b'61' b'616263643132' b'6162636431323233' b'4'
1 b'62' b'62717765' b'3331363136323633' b'1'
0 b'63' b'627A7863' b'3330363136323633' b'0'