Teradata Package for Python Function Reference on VantageCloud Lake - to_date - Teradata Package for Python - Look here for syntax, methods and examples for the functions included in the Teradata Package for Python.
Teradata® Package for Python Function Reference on VantageCloud Lake
- Deployment
- VantageCloud
- Edition
- Lake
- Product
- Teradata Package for Python
- Release Number
- Published
- December 2024
- ft:locale
- en-US
- ft:lastEdition
- 2024-12-19
- dita:id
- TeradataPython_FxRef_Lake_2000
- Product Category
- Teradata Vantage
- teradataml.dataframe.sql.DataFrameColumn.to_date = to_date(self, formatter=None)
Convert a string-like representation of a DATE or PERIOD type to Date type.
Optional Argument.
Specifies a variable length string containing formatting characters
that define the format of column.
Type: str
* If "formatter" is omitted, the following default date format is used: 'YYYY-MM-DD'
* formatter for date type:
| - |
| / |
| , Punctuation characters are ignored and text enclosed in |
| . quotation marks is ignored. |
| ; |
| : |
| "text" |
| Example: Date with value '2003-12-10' |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | data formatter value | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | '2003-12-10' YYYY-MM-DD 03/12/10 | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| D Day of week (1-7). |
| Example: day of week with value '2' |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | data formatter value | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | 2 D 24/01/01 | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| DAY Name of day. |
| Example: Date with value '2024-TUESDAY-01-30' |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | data formatter value | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | 2024-TUESDAY-01-30 YYYY-DAY-MM-DD 24/01/30 | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| DD Day of month (1-31). |
| Example: Date with value '2003-10-25' |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | data formatter value | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | 2003-10-25 YYYY-MM-DD 03/10/25 | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| DDD Day of year (1-366). |
| Example: Date with value '2024-366' |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | data formatter value | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | 2024-366 YYYY-DDD 24/12/31 | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| DY abbreviated name of day. |
| Example: Date with value '2024-Mon-01-29' |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | data formatter value | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | 2024-Mon-01-29 YYYY-DY-MM-DD 24/01/29 | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| HH |
| HH12 Hour of day (1-12). |
| Example: Date with value '2016-01-06 09:08:01' |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | data formatter value | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | 2016-01-06 09:08:01 YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS 6/01/06| |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| HH24 Hour of the day (0-23). |
| Example: Date with value '2016-01-06 23:08:01' |
| +----------------------------------------------------+ |
| | data formatter value | |
| +----------------------------------------------------+ |
| | 2016-01-06 23:08:01 YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS 6/01/06 | |
| +----------------------------------------------------+ |
| J Julian day, the number of days since January 1, 4713 BC. |
| Number specified with J must be integers. |
| Teradata uses the Gregorian calendar in calculations to |
| and from Julian Days. |
| Example: Number of julian days with value '2457394' |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | data formatter value | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | 2457394 J 16/01/06 | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| MI Minute (0-59). |
| Example: Date with value '2016-01-06 23:08:01' |
| +----------------------------------------------------+ |
| | data formatter value | |
| +----------------------------------------------------+ |
| | 2016-01-06 23:08:01 YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS 6/01/06 | |
| +----------------------------------------------------+ |
| MM Month (01-12). |
| Example: Date with value '2016-01-06 23:08:01' |
| +----------------------------------------------------+ |
| | data formatter value | |
| +----------------------------------------------------+ |
| | 2016-01-06 23:08:01 YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS 6/01/06 | |
| +----------------------------------------------------+ |
| MON Abbreviated name of month. |
| Example: Date with value '2016-JAN-06' |
| +----------------------------------------------------+ |
| | data formatter value | |
| +----------------------------------------------------+ |
| | 2016-JAN-06 YYYY-MON-DD 16/01/06 | |
| +----------------------------------------------------+ |
| MONTH Name of month. |
| Example: Date with value '2016-JANUARY-06' |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | data formatter value | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | 2016-JANUARY-06 YYYY-MONTH-DD 16/01/06 | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| PM |
| P.M. Meridian indicator. |
| Example: Date with value '2016-01-06 23:08:01 PM' |
| +---------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | data formatter value | |
| +---------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | 2016-01-06 23:08:01 PM YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS PM 16/01/06| |
| +---------------------------------------------------------+ |
| RM Roman numeral month (I - XII). |
| Example: Date with value '2024-XII' |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | data formatter value | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | 2024-XII YYYY-RM 24/12/01 | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| RR Stores 20th century dates in the 21st century using only |
| 2 digits. If the current year and the specified year are |
| both in the range of 0-49, the date is in the current |
| century. |
| Example: Date with value '2024-365, 21' |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | data formatter value | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | 2024-365, 21 YYYY-DDD, RR 21/12/31 | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| RRRR Round year. Accepts either 4-digit or 2-digit input. |
| 2-digit input provides the same return as RR. |
| Example: Date with value '2024-365, 21' |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | data formatter value | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | 2024-365, 21 YYYY-DDD, RRRR 24/12/31 | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| SS Second (0-59). |
| Example: Date with value '2016-01-06 23:08:01' |
| +----------------------------------------------------+ |
| | data formatter value | |
| +----------------------------------------------------+ |
| | 2016-01-06 23:08:01 YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS 6/01/06 | |
| +----------------------------------------------------+ |
| SSSSS Seconds past midnight (0-86399). |
| TZH Time zone hour. |
| TZM Time zone minute. |
| X Local radix character. |
| Example: Date with value '2024.366' |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | data formatter value | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | 2024.366 YYYYXDDD 24/12/31 | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| Y,YYY Year with comma in this position. |
| Example: Date with value '2,024-366' |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | data formatter value | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | 2,024-366 Y,YYY-DDD 24/12/31 | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| YYYY |
| SYYYY 4-digit year. S prefixes BC dates with a minus sign. |
| Example: Date with value '2024-366' |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | data formatter value | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | 2024-366 YYYY-DDD 24/12/31 | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| YYY Last 3, 2, or 1 digit of year. |
| YY If the current year and the specified year are both in |
| Y the range of 0-49, the date is in the current century. |
| Example: Date with value '24-366' |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | data formatter value | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
| | 24-366 YY-DDD 24/12/31 | |
| +-------------------------------------------------+ |
TypeError, ValueError, TeradataMlException
# Load the data to run the example.
>>> load_example_data("uaf", "stock_data")
# Create a DataFrame on 'stock_data' table.
>>> df = DataFrame("stock_data")
>>> df
seq_no timevalue magnitude
556 3 19/01/16 61.080
556 5 19/01/30 63.810
556 6 19/02/06 63.354
556 7 19/02/13 63.871
556 9 19/02/27 61.490
556 10 19/03/06 61.524
556 8 19/02/20 61.886
556 4 19/01/23 63.900
556 2 19/01/09 61.617
556 1 19/01/02 60.900
# create new_column "timevalue_char" using to_char().
>>> new_df = df.assign(timevalue_char=df.timevalue.to_char('DD-MON-YYYY'))
>>> new_df
seq_no timevalue magnitude timevalue_char
556 3 19/01/16 61.080 16-JAN-2019
556 5 19/01/30 63.810 30-JAN-2019
556 6 19/02/06 63.354 06-FEB-2019
556 7 19/02/13 63.871 13-FEB-2019
556 9 19/02/27 61.490 27-FEB-2019
556 10 19/03/06 61.524 06-MAR-2019
556 8 19/02/20 61.886 20-FEB-2019
556 4 19/01/23 63.900 23-JAN-2019
556 2 19/01/09 61.617 09-JAN-2019
556 1 19/01/02 60.900 02-JAN-2019
# Example 1: convert "timevalue_char" column to DATE type.
>>> res = new_df.assign(timevalue_char=new_df.timevalue_char.to_date('DD-MON-YYYY'))
>>> res
seq_no timevalue magnitude timevalue_char
556 3 19/01/16 61.080 19/01/16
556 5 19/01/30 63.810 19/01/30
556 6 19/02/06 63.354 19/02/06
556 7 19/02/13 63.871 19/02/13
556 9 19/02/27 61.490 19/02/27
556 10 19/03/06 61.524 19/03/06
556 8 19/02/20 61.886 19/02/20
556 4 19/01/23 63.900 19/01/23
556 2 19/01/09 61.617 19/01/09
556 1 19/01/02 60.900 19/01/02
>>> res.tdtypes
column type
data_set_id INTEGER()
seq_no INTEGER()
timevalue DATE()
magnitude FLOAT()
timevalue_char DATE()