Selecting PDSets for Conversion
To select PDSets for conversion
1 Do one of the following:
If there are no scheduled PDSets available, the Select PDSet(s) dialog box appears.
Teradata WA retrieves any scheduled PDSets.
The Define Periods (Operating Environments) dialog box appears.
The fields and controls on this dialog box are described in the table below.
Option |
Description |
Import From Ruleset |
Imports system periods from an existing rule set. |
Import From File |
Imports system periods from a file. |
Save To File |
Saves the system period to a .pds file. |
Periods |
Displays the available system periods or imported periods from the rule set or file. |
Description |
Displays descriptions of the available system periods. |
Add Period |
Adds a new system period to the Periods list. |
Delete Period |
Deletes the selected system period from the Periods list. |
Everyday |
Defines this period for every day usage. This is the default setting. |
Day of Week |
Defines this period for usage on specific days of every week. If using this option, click the check box for each day of the week to be included. |
Month/Day |
Defines this period for usage on specific months of the year and days of the month. Click the Months button to display the Select Months dialog box; under Select Months, click the check box for each month to be included and click OK. Then click the Days button to display the Select Days dialog box; under Select Days, click the check box for each day to be included and click OK. Notice that the Months box under the Date/Time tab shows the numerals for the months or days selected. If there is a range of days or months, these may be separated by a comma or a hyphen as appropriate. |
24 Hours |
Defines this period for usage 24 hours at a time. To define the period for less than 24 hours at a time, de-select this check box. The default is “selected”. |
From |
Defines the period starting time, where HH can be any hour from 0 (12:00 A.M.) to 23 (11:00 P.M.) and MM can be any number of minutes from 0 to 59. The default start time is 0:00. |
To |
Defines the period ending time in HH:MM format, where HH can be any hour from 0 (12:00 A.M.) to 23 (11:00 P.M.) and MM can be any number of minutes from 0 to 59. The default end time is 23:59. |
Wrap Around Midnight to Next Day |
Defines a range in time that spans midnight for system periods to be in effect. When the numeric value of the time specified in the From text box is greater than the numeric value of the time specified in the To text box, two conceptual time segments are available: |
Accept |
Accepts the changes made to the Time box. |
Note: If the DBQL data has been migrated to another database as described in “What To Do About Large Volumes of DBQL Data” on page 8, do the following: in the Data Collection Interval dialog box, select External DBQL as the Log Option, and enter workdata as the Database name.
Teradata WA obtains the performance groups for accounts which had activity during the defined interval. Otherwise, Teradata WA uses the data dictionary (dbc.users) table to determine performance groups.
2 Under Available PDSets, click the name of the PDSet to be converted and ensure that:
Teradata WA associates the PDSet with a period in DWM that most closely corresponds to the performance period defined in the PDSet.
To select multiple PDSets, hold down the Ctrl
key and click the names of the PDSets you want to select from column 1 of the table.
3 Under Available PDSets, also select an OpEnv and select or clear the Default check box as appropriate. Only one PDSet can be associated with the Default period.
4 Repeat this process, as applicable, for each PDSet to be converted. Then click Proceed to load the detailed parameters for the PDSets.
When DWM has finished retrieving the settings, the Existing PSA Setting tab appears.
By default the Existing PSA Setting tab shows information for all RPs and the associated periods.
Scheduled PDSets
When migrating scheduled PDSets, the operating environments (Periods) will be derived from the scheduling information in the PDSets. If there are multiple scheduled PDSets and any of the PDSets contains time of day milestones, an error message will be displayed as a Rule Set cannot be created from multiple PDSets when any of the PDSets uses time of day (TOD) milestones.