Reprovision Drives - Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT)

Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT) Reference

Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT)
Release Number
February 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
The Reprovision Drives step reprovisions or repurposes drives on selected arrays.
This is a destructive operation. All data on reprovisioned or repurposed drives is lost.
For NetApp arrays:
  • Drives that can be reprovisioned must meet the following criteria:
    • Drive must be optimal
    • Drive must be FDE enabled
    • Drive cannot be part of a volume group: If the drive is part of a volume group, PUT deletes the volume group if it is not part of the existing Teradata configuration. PUT does not reprovision drives that are part of an active Teradata configuration.
  • If all volumes on the array are deleted, PUT creates a default volume 0.
  • If volumes are deleted, a reboot of all nodes connected to the array is required.
  • For arrays configured with diskpools, the volumes within the diskpool cannot be part of the existing Teradata configuration. If the diskpool is not part of the existing Teradata configuration, PUT will delete the volumes and the corresponding diskpool, then reprovision the drives.
For DotHill arrays:
  • Drives that can be repurposed must meet the following criteria:
    • Drive must be FDE Secured (either Secured, Unlocked or Secured, Locked)
    • Drive cannot be part of a vdisk. If the drive is part of a vdisk, PUT deletes the vdisk if it is not part of the existing configuration. PUT does not repurpose drives that are part of an active configuration.
  • If all the drives in the array can be repurposed, the entire array is repurposed and the resulting state of the array is Unsecured.
  • If vdisks are deleted, a reboot of all nodes connected to the array is required.

After arrays are selected for reprovisioning/repurposing, a Confirmation Screen appears with a list of the drives to be reprovisioned/repurposed in each array.

When reprovisioning/repurposing completes, a results screen showing the results for each array is displayed. Additional information is available by clicking the disk array name.