Disk Array Setup - Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT)

Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT) Reference

Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT)
Release Number
February 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The Disk Array Setup step creates volumes, sets cache parameters and defined array settings, and assigns volumes to specific controllers for supported Teradata storage arrays in the system that can be configured for use by Teradata. PUT creates volumes using the standard configuration selected.

Supported Controller Types

Supported NetApp controller types are:
  • 280X
  • 1932
  • 2660
  • 2882
  • 3992
  • 4884
  • 5501
  • 5600
  • 5700
  • 5885
  • 6091
  • 7091
Supported DotHill controller types are:
  • 4520
  • 4530
  • 4544
Supported Internal Array controllers:
  • Dell PERC H730
  • Dell PERC H740
Supported Internal Array systems (such as the 7200):
  • Node names are displayed and selected, instead of array names

Standard Configuration Options

Each disk array has configuration options that are determined by platform family, product requirements, and I/O configuration guidelines. After selecting the disk arrays to configure, PUT determines the optimal array configuration.

In the Disk Array Setup step, the first screen displays on the left a list of arrays that could potentially be configured. You can:
  • Select the arrays to be set up.
  • Choose to not change the configuration and use the storage as it currently exists.
  • Perform a partial or a full configuration.

You cannot reconfigure storage with active Teradata Partitions.

To have PUT set up the array, select the array and move it to the right column.

To have PUT use the array in its current configuration, leave the array in the first column, and click Next.

In some cases, right-clicking on a disk array name shows additional configuration options:
  • RAID 1 No Stripe
  • RAID 1 Stripe
  • RAID 5 Stripe
  • RAID 6
Not every option is available for every disk array type.

A summary screen appears before the actual configuration begins. The screen displays any volumes that will be deleted and the number of volumes that will be created. Review this information carefully and verify that the number of volumes being created is as expected.

Configuration Types

This section applies to External Storage Arrays. The configuration type can be partial, full, or expansion.

For Internal Storage Arrays, see Internal Array Storage Setup.

Configuration Type Description
Partial A partial configuration means that not all disks can be used in creating volumes. Possible reasons are that some storage on the array is already being used by Teradata, or that some drives:
  • Are missing
  • Have a failed status
  • Are set up as hot spare disks
Full A full configuration means that the entire array will be configured, using all drives found.
Expansion An expansion configuration means that a configuration and unused array drives pre-exist; the existing configuration will be left intact and volumes created on the unused drives.

Disk Array Configuration - 280X Array Models and 5700 RI-Only Devices

Configuration behavior for the 280X Array models and 5700 RI-Only devices is as follows:
  • Does not delete the diskpool or volumes from the array if any of the volumes have active TPA partitions.
  • Deletes volumes and the diskpool from the array only if the entire array can be reconfigured.
  • Creates a single diskpool and a number of volumes, using all available drives with a percentage of capacity, per the I/O guidelines.
  • If a Disk Array Setup is being run after a Diskpool Expansion, the existing diskpool and volumes remain intact, and additional volumes are added to the diskpool.

Disk Array Configuration - All Array Models Except 1700 and Arrays with 5501 or 5600 Controllers

For disk array configuration:
  • You cannot reconfigure active Teradata Partitions.
  • You can perform a partial or a full configuration.
Disk Array Configuration Rules (Custom) TPA Partitions PUT Disk Array Setup will:
Full configuration None Active Reconfigure the entire disk array
Full configuration Some Active Reconfigure only drives/drive groups with all non-active TPA partitions
Partial configuration Active Configure the unused drives and reconfigure drives with no active TPA partitions
Partial configuration None Active Reconfigure the entire disk array
Partial configuration Active Configure any unused drives and reconfigure drives with no active TPA partitions
Partial configuration None Active Reconfigure the entire disk array
Non-standard configuration Active Not modify the configuration
Non-standard configuration None Active Reconfigure the entire disk array

Disk Array Configuration - 1700 Array Models and Array Models with 5501 or 5600 Controllers

Configuration behavior is as follows:
  • Does not delete any volumes from the array if any of the volumes have active TPA partitions.
  • Deletes volumes from the array only if the entire array can be reconfigured.
  • Creates volumes using any new storage found.
For a 1700 array configuration, PUT:
  • Creates volumes using the default option of RAID 6, five volumes per group
For Array Models with 5501 or 5600 Controllers, or 5700 WI-only devices, PUT:
  • Creates volumes using the default option of RAID 1 No Stripe.
  • Creates volume groups on SSD drive pairs, with either two or three volumes per group, depending on the I/O guidelines.
  • Creates volumes on HDD drive pairs, one volume per group.

Hot Spares

PUT detects hot spares and does not create volumes using any hot spare drives.

You must define the hot spare disks before running the Configure Teradata Vantage operation or Configure Storage Module operation. You must define and place the hot spare drives in the array according to I/O guidelines, following the standard configuration rules.

For NetApp arrays, you must use SYMplicity to define and set up the hot spare disks. For DotHill arrays, you can use either the CLI or GUI utility RAIDar to set up the hot spare drives. Follow the instructions in the appropriate Hardware Service Guide for correct placement of hot spare disks.

Disk Array Setup Procedures

You can configure Teradata disk arrays only if Teradata is not currently using the arrays.

When running in online configuration mode, you are not able to select arrays that are part of cliques on which Teradata is running. You are able to select only arrays from cliques being added to the current configuration.
If you do not need to create volumes, do not select any disk arrays, and click Next to continue.
Depending on the number of volumes, capacity of the drives, and other factors, creating/formatting the volumes may take over an hour. There is no progress indicator, so please be patient and wait until the step completes.
To accept the default configuration, click Next. If you need to change the configuration, expand any branch in the tree to find the applicable disk arrays. When navigating the tree:
  • Expanding the System branch lists all the disk array types to be configured.
  • Expanding a disk array type lists all the disks arrays of that type.
  • Expanding a disk array lists the default configuration selection for that disk array.

The Disk Array Setup - Confirm Selections screen appears, listing each disk array that will be set up, and showing any volumes that will be deleted.

Internal Array Storage Setup

After you select nodes to configure, PUT analyzes the storage on selected nodes.

For Internal Storage, PUT:
  • Skips storage configuration on any nodes where volumes are in use by Teradata
  • Deletes all volumes on the internal array (if any exist)
  • Creates volumes using available storage:
    • For 7200/7210 Performance Nodes: Volumes are created using RAID1
    • For 7200/7210 Capacity Nodes: Volumes are created using RAID6, 1 volume per group
  • After volumes are created, a status screen displays the success or failure of the setup on each node.

Disk Array Setup Operational Messages

Message Description
Array configuration failed on NodeX This fatal error appears if the Array Setup Job returns an error status. It indicates that an error occurred while deleting or creating volumes on the disk array. In response, the operation aborts.