SHOWSPACE - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

Database Utilities

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
June 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantageā„¢


The SHOWSPACE command shows storage space utilization. It displays the following information based on the currently specified Ferret scope. For more information about Ferret command scope, see SCOPE.
  • Number of cylinders allocated for permanent, journal, temporary, spool, DEPOT, and WAL log data.
  • Average utilization per cylinder for permanent, journal, temporary, DEPOT, and spool cylinders.
  • Number and percentage of available free cylinders.


{ SHOWSPACE | SHOWS } [ /S | /M | /L ]
Displays a one-line summary of space information for all AMPs in the current Ferret scope. Use this option for systems with large numbers of AMPs. This is the default display option.
/M or /L
Shows space information for the AMPs in the current Ferret scope, displaying one line for each AMP.

Usage Notes

Although disk space allocated for TJ and WAL records is charged against the table 0 26, no actual TJ or WAL records are found in the subtables of this table. Instead, these records are in the WAL log. The only row that exists in any subtable of the table 0, 26 is the table header in subtable 0.

Example: Using SHOWSPACE /S to display storage space utilization summary

The following output is from a large cylinder system.

Ferret  ==>
showspace /s

SHOWSPACE  results for Scoped AMP(s)
                     | Perm Data Cyls  |  Wal Cyls  | Depot Cyls |   Spool Cyls    |    Temp Cyls    |    Jrnl Cyls    |   Pspool Cyls   |   Free Cyls     |
                     |Avg  % of        |% of        |Avg         |Avg  % of        |Avg  % of        |Avg  % of        |Avg  % of        |% of             |
                total|utl  total       |total       |utl         |utl  total       |utl  total       |utl  total       |utl  total       |total            |
Vproc           Avail|per  Avail       |Avail       |per         |per  Avail       |per  Avail       |per  Avail       |per  Avail       |Avail            |
Num   DSU        Cyls|Cyl  Space  #Cyl |Space  #Cyl |Cyl    #Cyl |Cyl  Space  #Cyl |Cyl  Space  #Cyl |Cyl  Space  #Cyl |Cyl  Space  #Cyl |Space    #Cyl    |
ALL            38988 | 59%   0%     16*|  0%     60 | 0%       12|  0%   4%     72*|  0%   0%      4*|  0%   0%      4*|  0%   0%      4*| 98%        38296|

Average Free Cylinders Across All AMPs in the Current Scope:   90%

* Reported in units of Large Cylinders
  (A Large Cylinder is 6 times the size of a small cylinder)

Example: Using SHOWSPACE /M to display per-AMP storage space utilization

The following output is from a large cylinder system.

Ferret  ==>
showspace /m

   SHOWSPACE  results for Scoped AMP(s)     
                | Perm Data Cyls  |  Wal Cyls  | Depot Cyls |   Spool Cyls    |    Temp Cyls    |    Jrnl Cyls    |  Pspool Cyls    | Free Cyls  |
                |Avg  % of        |% of        |Avg         |Avg  % of        |Avg  % of        |Avg  % of        |% of             |% of        |
           total|utl  total       |total       |utl         |utl  total       |utl  total       |utl  total       |total            |total       |
Vproc      Avail|per  Avail       |Avail       |per         |per  Avail       |per  Avail       |per  Avail       |Avail            |Avail       |
Num   DSU   Cyls|Cyl  Space  #Cyl |Space  #Cyl |Cyl    #Cyl |Cyl  Space  #Cyl |Cyl  Space  #Cyl |Cyl  Space  #Cyl |Cyl Space  #Cyl  |Space  #Cyl |
   0      10810 | 79%  10%    179*|  0%      6 |  0%      2*|  0%   0%      4*|  0%   0%      1*|  0%   0%      1*|  0%   0%        | 90%   9697 |
   1      10810 | 78%  10%    181*|  0%      5 |  0%      2*|  0%   0%      4*|  0%   0%      1*|  0%   0%      1*|  0%   0%        | 90%   9686 |
TOTAL     21620 |             360*|         11*|          4*|               8*|               2*|               2*|               1*|      19383 |

Average Free Cylinders Across All AMPs in the Current Scope:   90%

* Reported in units of Large Cylinders
  (A Large Cylinder is 6 times the size of a small cylinder)