Advanced SQL Engine | List of Utilities | Teradata Vantage - Alphabetical Listing of Utilities - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

Database Utilities

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
July 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantageā„¢
Utility Purpose
Abort Host (aborthost) Aborts all outstanding transactions running on a failed host, until the system restarts the host.
CheckTable (checktable) Checks for inconsistencies between internal data structures such as table headers, row identifiers, and secondary indexes.
CNS Run (cnsrun) Allows running of database utilities from scripts.
Control GDO Editor (ctl) Displays the fields of the PDE Control Parameters GDO, and allows modification of the settings.
Cufconfig Utility (cufconfig) Displays configuration settings for the user-defined function and external stored procedure subsystem, and allows these settings to be modified.
Database Initialization Program (DIP) Runs one or more of the standard DIP scripts packaged with Advanced SQL Engine. These scripts create a variety of database objects that can extend the functionality of Advanced SQL Engine with additional, optional features.
DBS Control (dbscontrol) Displays the DBS Control fields, and allows these settings to be modified.
Dump Unload/Load (DUL) Saves and restores system dump tables to and from files.
Ferret Utility (ferret) Defines the scope of an action, such as a range of tables or selected vprocs, displays the parameters and scope of the action, and performs the action, either moving data to reconfigure data blocks and cylinders, or displaying disk space and cylinder free space percent in use of the defined scope.
Gateway Control (gtwcontrol) Modifies default values in the fields of the Gateway Control Globally Distributed Object (GDO).
Gateway Global (gtwglobal) Monitors and controls the Advanced SQL Engine workstation-connected users and their sessions.
Lock Display (lokdisp) Displays a snapshot capture of all real-time database locks and their associated currently-running sessions.
Query Configuration (qryconfig) Reports the current Advanced SQL Engine configuration, including the Node, AMP, and PE identification and status.
Query Session (qrysessn) Monitors the state of selected Advanced SQL Engine sessions on selected logical host IDs.
Recovery Manager (rcvmanager) Displays information used to monitor progress of a Advanced SQL Engine recovery.
Show Locks (showlocks) Displays locks placed by Table Rebuild operations on databases and tables.

For details on Table Rebuild, see Teradata Vantageā„¢ - Database Utilities, B035-1102 .

Table Rebuild (rebuild) Rebuilds tables that Advanced SQL Engine cannot automatically recover, including the primary or fallback portions of tables, entire tables, all tables in a database, or all tables in an Access Module Processor (AMP). Table Rebuild can be run interactively or as a background task.
Teradata Locale Definition Utility(tdlocaledef) Converts a Specification for Data Formatting file (SDF) into an internal, binary format (a GDO) for use by Advanced SQL Engine. The SDF file is a text file that defines how Advanced SQL Engine formats numeric, date, time, and currency output.
Tpareset (tpareset) Resets the PDE and database components of Advanced SQL Engine.
Update DBC (updatedbc) Recalculates the PermSpace and SpoolSpace values in the DBASE table for the user DBC, and the MaxPermSpace and MaxSpoolSpace values of the DATABASESPACE table for all databases based on the values in the DBASE table.
Update Space (updatespace) Recalculates the permanent, temporary, or spool space used by a single database or by all databases in a system.
Vproc Manager (vprocmanager) Manages the virtual processors (vprocs). For example, obtains status of specified vprocs, initializes vprocs, forces a vproc to restart, and forces a Advanced SQL Engine restart.