Starting and Running Dul - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

Database Utilities

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
July 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantage™

Dul runs on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, 11, and 12 in either batch or interactive mode.

Because dul is used to move large amounts of data, it is usually run in batch mode.

Starting Dul

You can run dul interactively from the Linux command line. To start dul interactively, do the following:

  1. At the command prompt, type the following and press Enter:


    Dul prompts you for your logon:

    Dump Unload/Load - Enter your logon:
  2. Type:

    .logon crashdumps

    and press Enter.

  3. Enter the password for the crashdumps logon.
    The default password for the crashdumps logon is crashdumps, however, your System Administrator may have changed the password.

To log off the database and exit du, type LOGOFF, END, or QUIT followed by a semicolon, and press Enter.

Space Requirements

The following sections discuss the space requirements for the database and hosts.

Crashdumps Database

The crashdumps database is used to store system dumps. Because system dumps take up disk space, you should periodically clear old or unwanted dump tables from the crashdumps database.

If the space available in the crashdumps database is exceeded, a message is displayed on the system console every hour until you make space available for the dump to be saved. To make more room for new dumps, examine the existing dumps and delete the ones that you no longer need.

If you still need the existing dumps, then copy them to removable media. Once the Teradata Support Center has received and evaluated a dump, you can delete the tables.

Database Space Allocation

The proper size for the crashdumps database depends on the following configuration information:
  • Number of nodes on the system
  • Number of dumps you want to have available online at any one time (minimum of one dump)

The size of the dump for any given node depends on several unpredictable variables. To calculate the approximate size of the crashdumps database that you need for your system, use the following formula:

number of DBS nodesnumber of dumps x  100 MB

Allow at least 100 MB of space per dump. Teradata recommends even larger multiples, if available.


To perform a dump/unload operation, your must have the following Vantage privileges:
  • CREATE, DROP, and SELECT privileges on the tables in the crashdumps database
  • SELECT privileges on the DBC.SW_EVENT_LOG system table

To perform a load operation, you must have CREATE, DROP, and SELECT privileges on the DBC database tables.

If the username you specify when you invoke dul does not have the appropriate privileges, then the system returns an error message and the operation is canceled.

For detailed information on access privileges, see Teradata Vantage™ - Database Administration, B035-1093 or consult your system administrator.