Saving Output - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

Database Utilities

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
July 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantageā„¢

There are two methods for saving output in DBW:

Logging Information to Files

This method maintains an ongoing log of information from the output display area.

When logging is enabled, the session from the current window is saved to a default or specified text-format log file. These logs can be useful for reviewing or printing out the session.

When logging all windows, standard log files are opened. If a log file already exists, DBW appends the current session text to the existing file.

To start a log file for all windows, click File > Log All Windows from the DBW main window.

DBW immediately begins logging output from all DBW subwindows into separate files. If log files already exist for each of the subwindows, new text is appended to these files.

To start a log file for a single application window:

  1. Click File > Logging from one of the active application windows.
  2. In the Select Log File For Windowdialog box, click the log file or specify a new file name, and click Okay or Save.

    DBW immediately begins logging the text in the output display area to the specified log file. If the log file already exists, the new text is appended to it.

Saving the Window Buffer

This method saves only the current contents of the window buffer to a file. Any output created after the window is saved is lost.

To save current contents of an application or Supervisor window:

  1. Click File > Save Buffer from the active subwindow.
  2. In the Save Buffer dialog box, click the log file or specify a new file name, and click Okay or Save.

    The text in the output display area of the application window is saved in the specified file. If the file already exists, it is overwritten.

Viewing Log and Buffer Files

  1. Click File > View from the DBW main window.
  2. In the Select File to View dialog box, click the log file or specify a new file name, and click Okay or Open.
  3. In the Viewing File window, click Okay to exit.