Inter-Cabinet Server Management Network for System with Maximum 36 Nodes

- This configuration is built on the cabinet and collective topology defined in Collective Terminology and Topology.
- This configuration illustrates topology for two appliance cabinets.
- Each appliance cabinet shown above represents a collective. The collective may include Platform Framework cabinets (not shown).
- The System VMS in the base cabinet (Cabinet 1) hosts the SWS VM and CMIC VM. The Cabinet VMS in the expansion cabinet hosts the CMIC VM.
- Separate primary and secondary paths ensure network backup. The primary and secondary networks are configured as follows:
- The System VMS in Cabinet 1 connects to the primary and secondary Ethernet switches in Cabinet 1.
- The primary Ethernet switch in Cabinet 1 connects to the primary Ethernet switch in Cabinet 2.
- The Cabinet VMS in Cabinet 2 connects to the primary and secondary Ethernet switches in Cabinet 2.
- The secondary Ethernet switch in Cabinet 2 connects to the secondary Ethernet switch in Cabinet 1.
- For port-to-port cabling, see the appropriate Hardware Installation Guide.