General Guidelines - ODBC Driver for Teradata
ODBC Driver for Teradata® User Guide
- Product
- ODBC Driver for Teradata
- Release Number
- 16.20
- Published
- August 2020
- Language
- English (United States)
- Last Update
- 2020-08-25
- dita:mapPath
- fxv1527114222338.ditamap
- dita:ditavalPath
- Audience_PDF_product_legacy_odbc_include.ditaval
- dita:id
- B035-2526
- lifecycle
- previous
- Product Category
- Teradata Tools and Utilities
- For DSN-less connections, try keeping the Connection string configurable as the driver name will change with each new release.
- Use release-independent directories when you don't expect your application to be negatively affected by installing new versions of the driver.
- Use release-specific directories when you are relying on a specific version of the driver for your application.