Array requests are limited to 1 MB. This impacts the number of parameter sets that can be applied to an array request. Assuming an SQL request text size of T bytes, a parameter row size of R bytes, and N parameter rows, the limiting conditions are listed in the following table:
Mode | Limiting Conditions |
Emulation mode | N * R ≤ 64 KB and N * (T + R) ≤ 1 MB |
Array support | R ≤ 64 KB and T + N * R ≤ 1 MB |
Each row is sent in a separate data parcel and is limited to 64 KB. The request text is not replicated. The whole request must fit within the 1 MB request limit. With DML Array Support, the number of rows that can be sent with a parameter array request is increased at least 16 times and up to 31 times for a large row of 33 KB.