Teradata ODBC Driver Options - ODBC Driver for Teradata

ODBC Driver for Teradata® User Guide

ODBC Driver for Teradata
Release Number
June 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
  1. Use the Teradata ODBC Driver Options dialog to configure additional options. The options are listed in the following table.

    Field, Check Box, or Button Description
    Use Column Names Default = Selected

    Determines whether ODBC Driver for Teradata returns column names or column titles.

    See the “DontUseTitles=[Yes|No]” option in Teradata DSN Options.

    Use X Views Default = Cleared

    Determines whether the X View is used.

    See the “UseXViews=[Yes|No]” option in Teradata DSN Options.

    No HELP DATABASE Default = Cleared

    Determines whether the Help Database is used.

    See the “DontUseHelpDatabase=[Yes|No]” option in Teradata DSN Options.

    Ignore Search Patterns Default = Cleared

    Determines whether search pattern characters _ and % are used in search patterns or are passed as regular characters.

    See the “IgnoreODBCSearchPattern=[Yes|No]” option in Teradata DSN Options.

    Enable Reconnect Default = Cleared

    Causes ODBC Driver for Teradata to determine if sessions on the database are to be reconnected after a system crash or reset is detected.

    See the “EnableReconnect=[Yes|No]” option in Teradata DSN Options.

    Disable Parsing Default = Cleared
    Disables or enables parsing of SQL statements by ODBC Driver for Teradata. When parsing is enabled, the driver parses SQL statements and transforms ODBC escape sequences into SQL.
    • When selected, ODBC Driver for Teradata does not parse SQL statements.
    • When cleared, SQL statements are parsed.

    See the “NoScan=[Yes|No]” option in Teradata DSN Options.

    Use Regional Settings for Decimal Symbol Default = Selected

    When selected, ODBC Driver for Teradata uses regional settings to determine the decimal symbol.

    If cleared, ODBC Driver for Teradata uses a “.” character as the decimal symbol and ignores the regional settings.

    Return Output Parameters As ResultSet Default = Cleared

    Determines how stored procedure output parameters are retrieved by ODBC Driver for Teradata

    When selected, the values of INOUT and OUT parameters are returned as a result set. The values can be retrieved by calling SQLFetch and SQLGetData, or SQLBindCol followed by SQLFetch. The result set containing the output parameters is the first returned by the database, preceding any generated by a stored procedure.

    When cleared, the values of INOUT and OUT parameters are directly updated after the procedure call. All parameter markers must therefore be bound to variables before the call.

    See the OutputAsResultSet=[Yes|No] description for this option in Teradata DSN Options.

    Enable Data Encryption Default = Cleared

    When selected, ODBC Driver for Teradata and the database communicate with each other in an encrypted manner.

    When cleared, data encryption is disabled.

    Enable Extended Statement Information Default = Selected

    Determines whether extended statement information is to be used by ODBC Driver for Teradata, provided that it is available from the database. Teradata Database versions from V2R6.2 and up support extended statement information, including metadata for parameters used in SQL requests and columns in result sets.

    When selected, ODBC Driver for Teradata requests and uses extended statement information from the database if supported. If extended statement information is available, then the ODBC API function SQLDescribeParam is supported and SQLGetFunctions returns SQL_TRUE (supported) for SQL_API_SQLDESCRIBEPARAM.

    When cleared, ODBC Driver for Teradata does not request or use extended statement information from the database, even if supported. If extended statement information is unavailable, SQLDescribeParam is not supported and SQLGetFunctions returns SQL_FALSE (not supported) for SQL_API_SQLDESCRIBEPARAM.

    Enable Client Side UDF Upload


    When cleared, ODBC Driver for Teradata will not support UDF source file uploads.

    See the "EnableUDFUpload=[Yes|No] option in Teradata DSN Options.

    UDF Upload Path Fully qualified path where source files will be found. If defined, the driver looks at this location for files the database requests, unless the database gives a fully qualified path as part of the file name.

    No relative paths using “..” are allowed in this value.

    The default value displayed in the field (Please enter the UDF folder path) MUST be changed to the value you wish to use (either a valid path or empty). Delete the default value to leave the field empty.

    When selected:
    • The path you specify in UDF Root Directory will be prepended to all file names specified with an EXTERNAL NAME clause of a CREATE FUNCTION or REPLACE function.
    • To use fully qualified file names in EXTERNAL NAME clauses, leave this field empty.

    See "UDFUploadPath=<path>" option in Teradata DSN Options.

    RNP Redrive
    Enable Redrive Default ="Default".

    Specifies whether requests on the session participate in Redrive, or not, or use the database-side default value.

    Reconnect Count Default = 20.

    Defines the maximum number of times the driver should attempt to reconnect to the database (0-99).

    Reconnect Interval (seconds) Default = 30.

    Defines the number of seconds (1-300) between reconnect attempts.

    Teradata Import/Export Protocol Type
    Type Default = "Default"

    This option specifies whether ODBC Driver for Teradata uses the FastExport protocol to improve the performance of SELECT queries that meet certain criteria.

    Valid values:
    • Default: ODBC Driver for Teradata does not use FastExport for any queries, and only runs queries using the standard protocol.
    • FastExport: When connected to a database that supports FastExport, ODBC Driver for Teradata uses it to run queries that meet the FastExport criteria. For all other queries, ODBC Driver for Teradata falls back to using the standard protocol.
    Sessions There is no default.

    The number of FastExport data connections that ODBC Driver for Teradata opens, to enable performance improvements for SELECT queries that meet the criteria of the FastExport protocol. The number of AMPs (Access Module Processors) that are available for your database determines the maximum number of FastExport data connections that can be opened.

    If you set this property to a number that is greater than the number of AMPs, ODBC Driver for Teradata only opens a number of connections equal to the number of AMPs.
    It is not recommended that you set this property. When this property is not set, the number of FastExport connections is determined automatically based on the database settings.
    Session Mode Specifies the mode (Teradata or ANSI) for sessions on the database. The selected mode applies for the duration of the session.

    The default value is determined by the database based on the option used in the CREATE or MODIFY USER statement.

    DateTime Format Assigns the ANSI formats for DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP.

    The default setting is AAA. IAA is optional. Because the Integer data type has been deprecated for the TIME format, it is not recommended.

    For information, see "Integer Time" in Deprecated Features for ODBC Driver for Teradata 16.20 and Later Versions.

    See the “DateTimeFormat=[A|I]AA” option in Teradata DSN Options.

    Return Generated Keys Default = No

    Determines the result from requests that insert into identity columns (INSERT, INSERT ... SELECT, UPSERT, MERGE-INTO). These requests can optionally return a result set containing identity column values (also known as auto-generated keys) for the inserted rows.

    Auto-generated key retrieval is not supported in Teradata Database versions prior to V2R6.2. The setting of Return Generated Keys has no effect when using a pre-V2R6.2 database server.

    Valid values are No, Identity Column, and Whole Row:
    • No = Auto-generated key retrieval is disabled (default)
    • Identity Column = Retrieve identity column only
    • Whole Row = Retrieve entire rows

    When Return Generated Keys is set to Identity Column or Whole Row, a request that inserts into tables containing identity columns returns two results: a row count with the number of inserted rows and a result set containing either the auto-generated keys as a single column or the complete rows inserted. The insert request becomes similar to a macro that first inserts and then selects the identity column or all columns of the rows just inserted.

    When Return Generated Keys is set to No, the behavior of requests that insert into identity columns is not changed.

    UPT Mode

    Default = NOTSET

    Enables Unicode Pass Through Mode for the ODBC Application.

    The default value is NOTSET, which means that the UPT Mode set by the database is used; ODBC Driver for Teradata does not send anything to the database when this option is set.

    • UPTON: ODBC Driver for Teradata sends “SET SESSION CHARACTER SET UNICODE PASS THROUGH ON” to the database while connecting, thereby enabling UPT MODE for that session.
    • UPTOFF: ODBC Driver for Teradata sends “SET SESSION CHARACTER SET UNICODE PASS THROUGH OFF” to the database while connecting, thereby disabling UPT MODE for that session.
    Warning group box
    Advanced Click to bring up the Teradata ODBC Driver Advanced Options dialog box. The dialog box contains further setting options available; however, it is strongly recommended NOT to change these settings.