XML Data Type Values and Conversions - ODBC Driver for Teradata

ODBC Driver for Teradata User Guide

ODBC Driver for Teradata
Release Number
May 2017
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The ODBC driver supports conversions of XML values to and from both ODBC Character C types (SQL_C_CHAR and SQL_C_WCHAR) and the Binary C type SQL_C_BINARY.

XML data type values retrieved from the database may be complete XML documents, but also non-well-formed text entities, including XML document fragments, such as sequences or atomic values. XML data type values inserted into the database must be XML documents (well-formed).

The recommended conversion of XML is to or from SQL_C_BINARY or SQL_C_WCHAR because it eliminates conversion to a non-Unicode code page used by the application, which can result in conversion errors. The default ODBC C type for SQL_TD_XML is SQL_C_BINARY.

SQL_TD_XML values represented as ODBC C types
XML represented as Description
SQL_C_BINARY The value is a sequence of characters encoded in UTF-8 regardless of any encoding declaration in the XML text.
SQL_C_CHAR The value is a sequence of characters encoded in the application code page regardless of any encoding declaration in the XML text.
SQL_C_WCHAR The value is a sequence of characters encoded in the Unicode encoding in effect for the application (UTF-8 or UTF-16 for Linux/Unix. UTF-16 for Windows, UTF-32 for Apple OS X). The encoding is independent of any encoding declaration in the XML text.

For a given XML document the recommended ODBC C type for working with the document in ODBC depends on the XML document encoding as determined by the XML declaration in the document.

Recommended ODBC C Type for XML Document Encoding
XML Document Encoding Declaration Recommended ODBC C type for working with the document in an ODBC application
Windows Linux/Unix Apple OS X
UTF-8 SQL_C_BINARY or SQL_C_WCHAR. Note that when using SQL_C_WCHAR the encoding will be UTF-16 SQL_C_BINARY or SQL_C_WCHAR. SQL_C_BINARY or SQL_C_WCHAR
UTF-16 SQL_C_WCHAR SQL_C_WCHAR with UTF-16 Unicode encoding as described in Unicode Character Types. SQL_C_WCHAR
Other SQL_C_CHAR using application code page matching document encoding SQL_C_CHAR using an application code page matching the XML document encoding. SAL_C_CHAR with locale LC_TYPE setting matching the document encoding.