Print or Save Data - Teradata Administrator

Teradata Administrator User Guide

Teradata Administrator
Release Number
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The data in the active database tree, grid, or report can be printed, or its contents saved to a text file.

Use the following procedures to print the data in, or save the data from, the active window.

1 From the main window, click File > Print.

A standard Windows Print dialog box appears.

2 Select the Page Range option:

  • Select All to print the entire database tree or grid contents.
  • Select Selection to print only the databases in the branch which starts with the currently selected database, or to prints only those cells selected in the grid.
  • 3 Choose additional print options, and then click OK.

    1 From the main window, click File > Save As.

    A standard Windows Save As dialog box appears.

    2 Use the controls on the dialog box to navigate to the folder where the data is saved.

    3 Enter a file name for the report in the File Name field.

    4 Click Save to save the file to the selected location.