Grid Area - Teradata Administrator

Teradata Administrator User Guide

Teradata Administrator
Release Number
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The grid area is the remainder of the Teradata Administrator main window that displays information about the database or database object that is selected in the database tree.

The grid area can have up to two displays in the upper and lower portions of the grid. The upper portion of the grid always displays information about the database objects that belong to the database selected in the database tree. The lower portion of the grid displays information about the items selected in the upper portion of the grid, and additional information about the database selected in the database tree.

Changing the Display

  • Right-click in the grid area to display the Object menu.
  • The displayed options depend on the type of object selected.

  • Right-click on the Header of a grid, or anywhere in the lower grid, to display a menu for performing functions on the entire grid.
  • When using an NP, requests and responses are transmitted over the network, which is not as inherently secure as the channel when using a CP.
  • Resizing the Grid

    Change the width of any column in the grid area by clicking on the right edge of the column title cell and dragging to a new position.

    Sorting the Grid Contents

    Sort the grid by clicking on a column header. The first click sorts the column in ascending order. Subsequent clicks on the same column alternates the sort order between ascending and descending.

    Hiding or Showing Columns

    Use the following procedure to show or hide columns from the grid area.

    1 Right-click on the heading row.

    2 Click Hide Columns.

    The Column List dialog box appears. The Highlight to Select Columns list shows each column in the grid area for the grid that is active.

    3 Select the column to hide. To select multiple columns, press and hold Ctrl.

    4 Click Hide.

    The columns in the grid area are hidden from view.

    1 Right-click on the heading row.

    2 Click Hide Columns.

    The Column List dialog box appears.

    3 Click Show all.

    The configuration is reset to show all of the columns in the grid area.