Description of the Options - Teradata Administrator

Teradata Administrator User Guide

Teradata Administrator
Release Number
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

SQL Statements

When the SQL Statements option is chosen, the statement list in the left pane shows each of the statement types available on the current data source. These syntax examples reflect the SQL syntax of the connected data source. The syntax file name matches the database type with the file type of .syn. For example, the Teradata syntax file is Teradata.syn.

Note: The Teradata syntax file includes new syntax to support Teradata Database 14.0 and later.

Customize the .syn file by editing the file. To do this, follow the procedure, “Create a Custom Syntax File” on page 121 except skip step 2 (do not include a header line at the start of the file). When the file is saved, ensure the file name matches the database type. For example, Teradata.syn.

Procedure Builder

When the Procedure Builder option is chosen, the left pane shows a list of statements that are valid only when used in a CREATE or REPLACE procedure statement.

<User Defined>

Create a user-defined syntax file using any text editor such as Notepad or Microsoft Word. The name of the file must be custom.syn. The format of this file is the same as the other syntax files except it has an additional line at the start of the file containing the name that is seen in the drop-down list in the Query Builder dialog box. For additional information, see “Create a Custom Syntax File” on page 121.