Use the following procedure to set the database options.
From the main window, click Tools > Options.
Click the Main tab.
Set your database options as follows:
Root Database – Enter the name of the root database here. The initial default value is DBC.
What to Load – Choose from the following:
All Databases and Users – Loads all databases and users
Only Databases – Loads only databases or any users that have children.
Databases and Users with Permspace – Loads only databases or users that have perm space. Also loads any databases or
users that have children, even if they have no perm space.
Double-click Actions – Select the following:
Database – Select the action that occurs when the database in the tree is double-clicked.
Table – Select the action that occurs when a row is double-clicked in the tables grid.
Continue setting operational preferences using “Step 2b - Set Filtering Options” on page 36, or click OK to save your changes and exit the dialog box.