Field or Control Name |
Description |
Profile Name |
Select the profile to modify. To create a new profile, enter a name. |
General Tab |
Account |
This account string is used in any session connected by a user who is assigned to this profile. |
Default Database |
This is the default database of any user who is assigned to this profile. |
Spool Space |
The maximum number of bytes of spool space that can be used by any user who is assigned to this profile. Typing the letters K, M or G into this field sets the corresponding option button. |
Temp Space |
The maximum number of bytes that can be used by temporary tables created by any user who is assigned to this profile. Typing the letters K, M or G into this field sets the corresponding option button. |
Comment |
Enter any descriptive text. |
Password Tab |
Expire (days) |
Defines the number of days to elapse before the password expires. |
Min Length |
Defines the minimum number of characters in a valid password string. |
Max Length |
Defines the maximum number of characters in a valid password string. |
Max Attempts |
Defines the number of erroneous sequential logon attempts a user is allowed before the user is locked from further logon attempts. |
Lock Expires |
Defines the number of minutes to elapse before a locked user is unlocked. 0 – indicates immediate unlock -1 – indicates indefinite lockout |
Reuse After |
Defines the number of days to elapse before a password can be reused. 0 – indicates immediate reuse |
User Name |
Indicates whether a user’s name is allowed in the password: Y – allow password to contain the Teradata Database user’s name. N – do not allow password to contain the Teradata Database user’s name. Note: If a choice is entered in the User Name, Alpha, Special or Mixed Case field, those fields left blank default to Y. |
Restrict Words |
When a user creates a password, indicates whether the password is searched for restricted words: Y – the password is searched for restricted words. N – the password is not searched for restricted words. The default is N. Note: This feature is only available when connected to Teradata Database 12.00.00 and later. To add or remove restricted words, see Security Administration. |
Digits |
Indicates whether digits are allowed or required in the password: Y – allow digits in password, except as first character. N – do not allow digits. R – require user to use digits in password. This option is only available on Teradata Database V2R6.1 and later. |
Special |
Indicates whether special characters are allowed or required in the password: Y – allow special characters in password. N – do not allow special characters. R – require user to use special characters in password. This option is only available on Teradata Database V2R6.1 and later. Special characters are only underscore (_), dollar sign ($), or pound sign (#), unless the password is enclosed in double quotes, in which case other special characters can be used. Note: If a choice is entered in the User Name, Alpha, Special or Mixed Case field, those fields left blank default to Y. |
Alpha |
Indicates whether alpha characters are required in the password: Y – allow alpha characters in password. R – require user to use alpha characters in password. This option is only available on Teradata Database V2R6.1 and later. Note: If Mixed Case is set to R, then Alpha is automatically set to R. Note: If a choice is entered in the User Name, Alpha, Special or Mixed Case field, those fields left blank default to Y. |
Mixed Case |
Indicates whether mixed case is required in the password: Y – allow mixed case in password. R – require user to use mixed case in password. This option is only available on Teradata Database V2R6.1 and later. Note: If Mixed Case is set to R, then Alpha is automatically set to R. Note: If a choice is entered in the User Name, Alpha, Special or Mixed Case field, those fields left blank default to Y. |
All Users |
A list of all available users. To assign this profile to a user, select the user (or multiple users) and click Add--> or double click a user to create an assignment. To remove the assignment and allow the values specified during Create User to be used,
select the user(s) in the Users in Profile list, and click |
Users in Profile |
This list displays all users who are assigned to this profile. The Default Database, Account and Space values defined in the profile override any values that might have been defined within the Create User screen for these users. To remove the assignment and allow the values specified during Create User to be used, select the user(s) and click <--Remove, or double click on the user. To remove all users from this list, click <==Clear. |
Security Tab1 |
Security Constraint |
Lists all security constraints assigned to the profile. |
Add |
Displays the Add Security Constraint dialog box. For details, see “Add Security Constraints to Users or Profiles” on page 77. |
Security value |
Displays the assigned value(s) of the selected constraint. |
This feature only displays when connected to Teradata Database versions greater than