System/AMP Configuration - Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT)

Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT) Reference

Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT)
Release Number
February 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The System/AMP Configuration step allows you to customize the Teradata global system values and AMP vprocs.

For each screen, default values are displayed based on the existing Teradata configuration or the default settings specified in the Set Configuration Defaults step. You can either accept the default values or change the values based on the information in this topic. It is strongly recommended that you use the default values.

Configure System Parameters

To accept the default values, click Next or change the values based on the information below:
Field Name Description
System Name Any alphanumeric string of up to 15 characters.
Blocks-per-cylinder It is strongly recommended that you use the default value of 3872. Changing the blocks-per-cylinder value can have serious performance impact on all Vantage software. The number of blocks per disk cylinder determines all Teradata storage partitions in this configuration.
PUT Assigns AMPs to Nodes Automatically Select this option to allow PUT to automatically assign all new AMP vprocs to the proper nodes (default). You must click Next on the AMP Definition screen after selecting this option. Verify the node-id assignments on the pdisk Configuration screen which immediately follows the AMP Definition screen. To assign the new AMPs to nodes manually, do not select this option; make the node assignments on the AMP Definition screen.
AMP Affinity This option appears when configuring systems with Teradata Virtual Storage. Value ranges from 0 to 100. This number indicates the percentage of space to reserve on an individual pdisk for an individual AMP vproc. A setting of 100 indicates that each pdisk is dedicated to only one AMP. A setting of 0 indicates that each pdisk is shared among all AMPs in the pdisk’s subpool. A setting of 50 indicates that 50% of each pdisk is dedicated to a single AMP and that the other 50% is shared among all AMPs. The default setting is 100.

Defining AMPs

The AMP Definition Screen allows you to display and customize the AMP vproc definitions for this system.

In the top portion of the screen you can easily identify the status of each clique in the system whether the clique is included in the Unconfigured or Configured clique list.

Normally, all cliques appear in the Configured clique list when configured by the Clique/AMP Modeling step. Selecting a clique number from the configured clique list displays the AMPs for that clique at the bottom of the screen. You can accept the configuration as displayed by clicking Next to continue to the Pdisk configuration step, or click Reconfigure to reconfigure the existing clique with one of the following options:
Option Action Description
Add new AMPs to the clique Enter the number of new AMPs and click Add New.

The new AMP definitions are generated automatically. Note that each clique has a maximum number of AMPs that can be created based on the number of available pdisks, etc. If the maximum number of AMPs allowed for the clique is exceeded, an error appears.

Delete AMPs from the clique. Select one or more AMPs to be deleted and click Delete.

The status of each AMP is checked to make sure the status is no longer active. If you try to delete an active AMP, an error appears and the delete fails. If the AMP status is inactive, the AMP is deleted from the configuration.

Modify existing AMPs Select one or more AMPs to be deleted and click Modify.

Here you can change the Movable flag setting or the Node-id for the selected AMPs.