Vproc Configuration - Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT)

Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT) Reference

Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT)
Release Number
February 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The Vproc Configuration step configures PE, Gateway, and RSG vprocs for the system.

It is highly recommended that you be familiar with Teradata concepts prior to changing these values.

In Typical configuration mode, no RSG vprocs are configured and this step requires no user interaction. The default configuration is one PE per node. To add additional vprocs, you need to run in Custom configuration mode and add vprocs on the Configure Vprocs screen.

The Configure Vprocs screen summarizes the vprocs currently defined in the system.

If you do not want to configure vprocs, click Done to accept the current vproc definitions.

Adding Vprocs

The Add Vprocs screen allows you to add a PE, Gateway, or RSG type of vproc.

When you select to add a PE or Gateway vproc type, the Add PE or Gateway screen opens and you can specify the settings for the new vprocs.

When you select the RSG vproc type, PUT automatically generates the proper definitions for RSG vprocs throughout the system and a message appears indicating that RSG has been successfully added to the system.

When you select to add a PE or Gateway vproc type, the Add PE or Gateway screen opens and you can specify the settings for the new vprocs:
  • Number of new vprocs to create for this node
  • The node-id to be assigned to the new vprocs
  • The host group id
  • The host number for the vprocs

Clicking Next updates the settings; Done completes the vproc additions.

Deleting Vprocs

The Delete Vprocs screen is where you can delete PE, Gateway, or RSG vprocs.

When you select either PE or Gateway vproc types to delete, you are presented with the Delete PE or Gateway screen that lists of all vprocs of the selected type and allows you to select the vproc(s) to delete.

When you select the RSG vproc type to delete, PUT automatically deletes all the RSG vprocs from the system and displays a message confirming the deletion. It is not possible to selectively delete a single RSG vproc. Finish this automatic process by clicking Done to return to the Configure Vprocs screen.

Select and move the vprocs to be deleted to the Delete list and click Next.
When deleting PE vprocs, PUT performs several sanity checks before allowing the selected vprocs to be deleted. PUT verifies that the selected vprocs are in either the "NULL" or "NEWPROC" state. If a vproc is in a different state, an error appears and the delete request is canceled. PUT also verifies that the selected PE vprocs begin with the last PE vproc in the configuration and are consecutive. It is illegal to delete a list of PE vprocs that do not start with the lowest-numbered PE vprocid. Likewise, it is illegal to delete vprocs so that the remaining PE vprocs would have a gap in their vprocids (for example, the list of PE vprocids in the system must always remain monotonic and begin with PE vprocid 16383). If either of these checks fail, an error appears and the delete request is canceled.

Examining/Modifying Vprocs

The Examine/Modify Vprocs screen prompts you for the type of vproc you want to examine or modify from the current configuration. Choices are:
  • PE
  • Gateway
  • RSG
  • Done

The Examine/Modify (PE, Gateway, RSG) Vprocs screen lists all the vprocs of the selected type that are currently defined in the system. Each vproc is listed on a separate line in a table on the left side of the screen. The fields shown for each vproc are the vproc-id, the node-id, the movable flag, and the host group id. The vproc type of all the vprocs listed is indicated within the screen title.

To examine or modify a vproc, select one or more vprocs and move them to the Modify list on the right side of the screen. You can modify the node-id, host group id, movable, and host number fields. Any modifications made to these fields are applied to all selected vprocs.

vproc Configuration Operational Messages

Message Description
Movable flag must be y or n The only legal characters for the "movable" flag are "y", "Y", "n", or "N".
The node-id either does not exist or is not currently a TPA node The node-id entered was either not selected for this operation, or was selected but configured as a non-TPA node.
The system currently includes:
  • n node(s)
  • n PE vproc(s)
  • n Gateway vproc(s)
  • n RSG vproc(s)

What would you like to do?

This is the main vproc summary displayed on the Configure Vprocs screen. This shows how many TPA nodes and vprocs already exist in the system configuration.
Selected PE vprocs active! This message indicates that one or more of the PE vprocs you selected to delete are still active in the system. Before a PE vproc can be deleted by PUT, it must be set to either the "NULL" or "NEWPROC" state. This is normally accomplished by using the Teradata "config" utility to delete the PE vprocs from the list of active Teradata vprocs. Then PUT can be used to delete the PEs from the global configuration.
Cannot delete PE vprocs in mid-range! This message indicates the PE vprocs you selected to delete did not start from the last existing PE vproc (for example, the lowest-numbered PE vproc). When deleting PE vprocs, you must always start from the end and work up. For example, if your configuration includes PE vprocs 16383, 16382, 16381, and 16380, you cannot delete vprocs 16381 and 16382 by themselves. You must also delete vproc 16380. This is a Teradata restriction.
Gap in selected vprocs! This message indicates that the vprocs you selected to delete were not a single monotonic range of vprocs. When deleting PE vprocs, you must always select a single continuous range of vproc-ids to delete. For example, if your configuration includes PE vprocs 16383, 16382, 16381, and 16380, you cannot delete vprocs 16380 and 16382 without deleting 16381 at the same time. Otherwise, the remaining PE vprocs would have a gap in their vproc-ids. This is illegal for Teradata systems.