To use your own certificate authority (CA) to sign our certificates, follow these steps to create a signed digital certificate for PUT:
- Log on as root.
- Navigate to: /opt/teradata/TDput/puthttpd/conf/
Type the command:
./CreateKeys -a [-t n]
Where n is the number of days.
If you omit 't' from this command, the default value is 3650.This generates the file: server.cert.req.csr - Use this certificate signing request and your own CA to create a signed certificate.
- Name the file PUT.private.crt.
- Place PUT.private.crt in /opt/teradata/TDput/puthttpd/conf/ssl.crt.put/.
Type the command:
./CreateKeys -c
Restart PUT services:
/etc/init.d/TDput restart