These procedures apply to MPP systems where a master node has PUT 3.03 or later installed, and some or all of the nodes need PUT 3.05 installed or upgraded from a previous version. All nodes must be running the same operating system.
For nodes without PUT or with a PUT version prior to 3.04.02 on Linux systems, the master node runs a slogin onto each of the target nodes. All the target nodes must have the same root password. The password you enter is used to run slogin.
- Start PUT.
Select Install/Upgrade PUT and click Next.
If you do not have the Java plug-in installed, the first screen prompts you to install the Java plug-in. If the Java plug-in is installed but is an older version than required by PUT, it is upgraded here.
- To run PUT, click Yes.
- In the Security Warning and Software License Agreement screen, click Yes.
On the Choose Destination Location screen, click Next to accept the default installation location.
When the Java plug-in installation is complete, the PUT main screen appears.
- To install or upgrade PUT to the other nodes, select Install/Upgrade PUT.