Restrictions - Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT)
Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT) Reference
- Product
- Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT)
- Release Number
- 3.09
- Published
- February 2020
- Language
- English (United States)
- Last Update
- 2020-02-24
- dita:mapPath
- ows1493317469465.ditamap
- dita:ditavalPath
- ows1493317469465.ditaval
- dita:id
- B035-5716
- Product Category
- Software
- Teradata Tools and Utilities
- Domain and system names should contain only alphanumeric characters (and - or .). Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 and 5.5 with security patch MS01-055 cannot accept domain names with the underscore character. If host names contain an underscore, session cookies are not saved, resulting in terminations during navigation within a web application.
- The operating system includes an install of Firefox, which can be used to connect to PUT.
- This release of PUT does not support CD-ROM devices as the package source for the Install/Upgrade PUT operation.