The first step is to confirm there is a double disk failure.
The following information is recorded by performing this step:
- The identity of the specific disks participating in the failure.
- The Volume numbers of the affected volumes.
- The Volume Group number of the affected volumes.
From the Start Menu of any node attached to the array, start the SYMplicity Storage Manager Client.
The Storage Manager window opens.
From the Device tab of the Enterprise Management window, open the Array Management window.
Select the array involved in the failure.
A “Needs Attention” status shows on the array.
- Right-click the array.
Select Manage Storage Array.
The Array Management window opens.
The Hardware View of the Array Management window shows a graphical representation of the controllers and disks in the array.
Select the array involved in the failure.
- Locate the two failed disks.
For both failed disks, perform the following actions to record the Associated volume group value:
Click the failed drive icon.
The drive properties appears in the right-side Properties panel.
Verify that Failed is the value listed in Status.
If the Status is not Failed, confirm the correct drive has been selected.
- Record the Associated volume group value.
Click the failed drive icon.
For both failed disks, perform the following actions to record the volume number information:
- Select the Storage & Copy Services tab.
Select the volume group of the failed drive.
- Expand the volume group.
- Record the volume number that appears in the expanded volume group.