Java Plug-in/Log-on Problems (Windows) - Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT)
Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT) Reference
- Product
- Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT)
- Release Number
- 3.09
- Published
- February 2020
- Language
- English (United States)
- Last Update
- 2020-02-24
- dita:mapPath
- ows1493317469465.ditamap
- dita:ditavalPath
- ows1493317469465.ditaval
- dita:id
- B035-5716
- Product Category
- Software
- Teradata Tools and Utilities
- In rare cases, uninstalling a Java plug-in may fail. The uninstall file may be corrupted. If you are installing a new version of the plug-in, install the new version over the old.
- If the plug-in installed was not the correct Java plug-in, the browser only sees the most recent install and tries to install the correct Java plug-in. Early in the install, the package recognizes that it is already installed and displays a message letting you know. You can choose not to continue the installation, so then you can use PUT correctly.
- Teradata Manager (TMGR) has a conflict when the Java plug-in is installed. If PUT appears to be hung when the browser installs the Java plug-in, terminate TMGR if it is running.
- If you open PUT and see a message that states, "Click to activate and use this control" and you have to click once to gain focus before you type, then click again to go to the next screen. You must change your Internet Explorer security and advanced settings.