Configuring IE Security Settings - Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT)
Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT) Reference
- Product
- Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT)
- Release Number
- 3.09
- Published
- February 2020
- Language
- English (United States)
- Last Update
- 2020-02-24
- dita:mapPath
- ows1493317469465.ditamap
- dita:ditavalPath
- ows1493317469465.ditaval
- dita:id
- B035-5716
- Product Category
- Software
- Teradata Tools and Utilities
From the Tools menu, select Internet Options.
Click Security.
Click Custom Level.
In the Settings pane, select Enable for the following ActiveX controls:
ActiveX controls and plug-ins > Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe for scripting
ActiveX controls and plug-ins > Download unsigned ActiveX controls
ActiveX controls and plug-ins > Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins
Click OK twice.