Web Servers - Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT)

Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT) Reference

Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT)
Release Number
February 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
The topics in this section describe what happens when a user points a browser at the PUT web service, how web services are accessed, and what you need to set up these web services.

Firewall and Port Exposure Requirements

To connect using a browser through a firewall, certain ports must be exposed through the firewall. These ports are referred to as CCPORT in the configuration file located at /opt/teradata/TDput/data/Config. The default port value for CCPORT is 9000.
If you want to change the default port value of CCPORT, see Starting PUT from a Web Browser.

The following explains how PUT works using the CCPORT default value range of 9000 - 9009. The portmgmt service or daemon uses ports 9000 and 9001 to listen for new GUI connections. Each GUI connection is initialized using ports 9000 and 9001, and then handed off to the next higher available port, with a range of 9002 through 9009 being recommended. This 10-port range can be reduced, but doing so carries potential consequences. Each GUI/browser connection made to the portmgmt.exe is handed off to a unique set of ports. For example, four users will use ports 9002 through 9005. If a user starts to connect, then cancels, and continues to do so repeatedly, ports 9002 through 9009 may be temporarily unavailable. In such cases, ports 9010 and 9011 would be the next set offered, but these ports would not be available through the firewall. To work around this scenario, stop and restart the PUT services on the master node (but only if an operation is not in progress), or use the PUT application instead of a browser connection. The PUT Services (Job and File) both run using port 8992. Job Chat uses port 11111 to communicate job status.

Ports Required by Web Server

The Web Server requires a Secure Socket port (default = 8443).

Remote Connection

A remote connection is defined as the computer you are running PUT on (either as a browser or as an application) when it is not initially connected to the system that you want to connect to. You must first initiate either a dial-up session or a VPN session or go through a firewall of some sort. In other words, you must first provide a path to that system.

Client System

The client system is defined as the system you are physically working on (for example, a laptop, office workstation, AWS (when not upgrading the AWS), or SWS), as opposed to one of the nodes you are preparing to upgrade. This is also the computer that you would be using to make a remote connection.

Target System

The target system is defined as the node(s) to be upgraded that make up the system (the nodes that have PUT installed on them, or that you are installing PUT on). These are usually nodes such as the AWS or SWS, TPA, or NONTPA nodes.