Starting PUT from a Web Browser - Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT)

Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT) Reference

Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT)
Release Number
February 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

You start PUT using an HTTPS connection and run it as a Java Web Start application which launches PUT from the web browser and runs it in a new window separate from the web browser.

All communication with the node, including username and password provision, is encrypted using Secure Sockets. A user name and password is required even when running from the console of the local node.

You must log on as either the root user or the tdput user. For more information, see Passwords.
  1. Open a web browser and do the following:
    1. Select these security settings in Windows Internet Options:
      Enable Integrated Windows Authentication
      Enable native XMLHTTP support
      Use SSL 3.0
      Warn if POST submittal is redirected to a zone that does not permit posts
    2. Select these advanced security settings in the Java Control Panel:
      Perform signed code certificate revocation checks on: All certificates in the chain of trust
      Check for signed code certificate revocation using: Both CRLs and OCSP
      Perform TLS certificate revocation checks on: All certificates in the chain of trust
      Check for TLS certificate revocation using: Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)
      Advanced Security Settings: Enable the operating system's restricted environment (native sandbox)
      Use TLS 1.2
    3. Enter the following in the secure system URL browser address box to activate a new connection and launch PUT:
    Begin Secure URL Connection Description
    • https://nodename or IP address:port
    • https://nodename or IP address:port/put_jws.html

    where nodename is the name of the system and port is the port number configured during installation. The reserved port number for the PUT HTTPS connection is 8443.

  2. When the PUT Logon screen appears, log on as root, or as a user with root privileges, such as tdput.
  3. [Optional] To change the reserved HTTPS or Client Connection Port (CCPORT) port numbers:
    1. Browse to /opt/teradata/TDput/data/Config.
    2. Edit the SSLPORT and CCPORT entries.
      CCPORT is the first port number of the next 10 consecutive port numbers that need to be reserved. For example, if CCPORT port numbers 9000 - 9009 are not available, you can use any port number from the next available 10 port entries, such as 10050 - 10059.
    3. Copy the modified configuration file at /opt/teradata/TDput/data/Config from the master node to all the nodes.
    4. Restart the TDput services on all nodes.