Changing Default Passwords - Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop

Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop for Teradata Administrator Guide

Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop
Release Number
June 2016
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Open Source
CDH is installed with default passwords, which should be changed for your site security after installation and maintained according to your defined and published security policy.
  1. Change the logged-in internal user password:
    1. Click the logged-in username at the far right of the top navigation bar and select Change Password.
    2. Enter the current password and the new password twice.
    3. Click OK.
  2. Change the Hive database password:
    The Hive password default is hive. You must change the default password on the first master node as well as in Cloudera Manager.
    1. Log on as root on the first master node.
    2. Become the postgres user by typing: su - postgres
    3. Enter the postgres shell by typing: psql
    4. Change the password by entering the SQL statement: ALTER USER hive WITH PASSWORD '<newpassword>'
  3. Change the Hive password in Cloudera Manager:
    1. Log on to Cloudera Manager.
    2. In the Services list, select Hive.
    3. Select Actions > Enter Maintenance Mode.
    4. In the Enter Maintenance Mode window, click Confirm.
    5. Select Actions > Stop.
    6. In the Hive menu bar, select the Configuration tab.
    7. In the Category list, select Hive Metastore Database.
    8. At the Hive Metastore Database Password slot, enter the new password and click Save Changes.
    9. Select Actions > Restart.
    10. Select Actions > Exit Maintenance Mode.
    11. In the Exit Maintenance Mode window, click Confirm.
  4. Change the Oozie password:
    The Oozie password default is oozie. You must change the default password on the first master node as well as in Cloudera Manager.
    1. Log on as root on the first master node.
    2. Become the postgres user by typing: su - postgres
    3. Enter the postgres shell by typing: psql
    4. Change the password by entering the SQL statement: ALTER USER oozie WITH PASSWORD '<newpassword>'
  5. Change the Oozie password in Cloudera Manager:
    1. Log on to Cloudera Manager.
    2. In the Services list, select Oozie.
    3. Select Actions > Enter Maintenance Mode.
    4. In the Enter Maintenance Mode window, click Confirm.
    5. Select Actions > Stop.
    6. Select the Configuration tab.
    7. In the Category list, select Database.
    8. At the Oozie Server Database Password slot, enter the new password, and click Save Changes.
    9. Select Actions > Restart.
    10. Select Actions > Exit Maintenance Mode.
    11. In the Exit Maintenance Mode window, click Confirm.
  6. Change the postgres password:
    1. Log on as root on the first master node.
    2. Become the postgres user by typing: su - postgres
    3. Enter the postgres shell by typing: psql
    4. Change the password by entering the SQL statement: ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD '<newpassword>'
  7. On each node in the cluster, reset the Linux user root password by entering: passwd root The default password is root.
  8. On each node in the cluster reset the Linux tdatuser user password by entering: passwd tdatuser. The default password is tdatuser.