Usage Notes - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

SQL Operators and User-Defined Functions

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
January 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantage™

ActionList is ‘P’ for the procedure to work on the ParallelTableActionList and ‘S’ for the procedure to work on the SerialTableActionList. If specified, DatabaseName, TableName, and TargetMapName must be NULL.

DatabaseName, TableName, and TargetMapName identify the object to move and the map to move it to. If specified, ActionList must be NULL.

This procedure cannot move objects in the TDMaps database.

Moving an object to a new map via the ALTER statement requires the DROP TABLE privilege on the object being moved. Moving an object to a new map via CALL MoveTablesSP does not require the DROP TABLE privilege on the object being moved.

Use a separate DBS session for each concurrent call to MoveTablesSP. Use BTEQ commands SET SESSIONS and REPEAT.

A call to MoveTablesSP completes when there are no more actions in the queue to complete or the time limit specified in the call to ManageMoveTableSP expires.

MoveTablesSP does not return output parameters summarizing the status of its completed actions. Instead, the combined status of all actions performed by all calls to MoveTableSP is reported in the results returned by ManageMoveTablesSP.

Results from executing the procedure are written to table TDMaps.ActionHistoryTbl whose rows represent completed or in progress actions.

Callers who wish to stop a running call to MoveTablesSP must call procedure StopMoveTablesSP rather than aborting the procedure. If the procedure is aborted or a restart occurs, then tables being moved have an “InProgress”status. Calling CleanUpMoveTablesSP changes the status to “Aborted”. You can also call TDMaps.StopMoverSP, which takes an integer as input representing the number of Mover tasks to stop.

The maximum number of mover sessions is 128.