MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY Request | Application Programming Reference | Vantage - MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

Application Programming Reference

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
June 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantage™


Collects global summary information on system utilization.

Input Data

Element Data Type Description
IndByte BYTE Indicator bits that specify which fields to treat as NULL if you are using indicator mode.

Each bit in the byte corresponds to one field in the input data.

If data is supplied for that field, set the bit to zero.

If the data for that field is NULL (that is, there is no data supplied for that field), set the bit to 1.

The IndByte field is only required if the CLIv2 request is submitted in indicator mode.
mon_ver_id SMALLINT


MONITOR software version ID. This can be version 2 or later.

For a general explanation of monitor version choices, see MONITOR VERSION.

Monitor Privileges

To use this request, you must have any one of the following monitor privileges as part of your default role or any of these privileges must be granted directly to you:
For more information on roles and privileges, see:


The MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY request reports the following types of information:
  • CPU usage (average by vproc type online only)
  • Disk usage (average, high, and low by Vproc ID)
  • AMP usage (average, high, and low by AMP ID)
  • PE usage (average, high, and low by PE ID)
  • Number of logged on sessions
  • Rate information:
    • Vproc resource logging rate
    • Vproc resource monitoring rate
    • Session-level system
    • Local monitoring rates
  • Current software release and version numbers

You must set the ResMonitor rate (the rate at which vproc resource usage data is updated in memory) to a nonzero value for the MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY request to return meaningful data. If you set the ResMonitor rate to zero, NULL is returned for all columns related to vproc utilization.

After a system outage or a change in the ResMonitor rate, do not request data again until after the completion of the first collection period requested after the outage or change in rate. If you ignore this, the data returned will contain NULL. This is because after an outage, the in-memory counters are reset, and usually the contents of the counters are not well defined until a full collection period has elapsed. For example, if you were logged on prior to the system outage and you issue your first MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY request after the outage, you will receive a warning that the database server has been restarted.

CLIv2 Response Parcels

The response returned from the database resembles a summary of the type of response returned by a MONITOR VIRTUAL RESOURCE request. The response is one row of 35 fields.

The response returned from the database contains the following sequence of parcel types.

Parcel Sequence Parcel Flavor Length


Comments/Key Parcel Body Fields
Success 8 18 to 273 ActivityCount =1

ActivityType = 93 (PCLMONVSUMMARY)

DataInfo 71 6 to 64100 Optional; this parcel is present if request was IndicData parcel.
Record 10
  • 5 to 64100 (record mode)
  • 6 to 64100 (indicator mode)
Depending on request (Data or IndicData), data is in record or indicator mode. This contains the IndicData virtual summary information and the date and time the Virtual Resource cache was last refreshed.
EndStatement 11 6 StatementNo = 2-byte integer
EndRequest 12 4 None


The statement described below corresponds to a ResultSet returned by the Teradata JDBC Driver, and each of the fields correspond to a ResultSet column. For more information on ResultSets, see Teradata JDBC Driver Reference, available at .

The statement response results in a Record parcel containing resource usage information.

Field/Column Name Data Type Description

range 0 to 100%

Average % CPU usage (CPUUse) of all online AMPs in the configuration.

Assuming n is the number of online AMPs in the configuration, AMPAvgCPU is computed from CPUUse data as:

(CPUUse 1+ ... + CPUUse n ) / n

This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see Usage Notes - MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY.

AMPAvgDisk FLOAT Average physical disk usage (DiskUse) of all online AMPs in the configuration.

Assuming n is the number of online AMPs in the configuration, AMPAvgDisk is computed from DiskUse data as:

(DiskUse 1+ ... + DiskUse n ) / n

This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see Usage Notes - MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY.

AMPAvgDiskIO FLOAT Average physical disk DiskReads and DiskWrites of all online AMPs in the configuration.

Assuming n is the number of online AMPs in the configuration, AMPAvgDiskIO is computed from DiskReads and DiskWrites data as:

(DiskReads 1+ DiskWrites 1+ ... + DiskReads 1+ DiskWrites n ) / n

This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see Usage Notes - MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY.

HiCPUAMPUse FLOAT Highest CPUUse percentage currently associated with any online AMP.

This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see Usage Notes - MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY.

HiCPUAMPNo SMALLINT VProcNo of an AMP with CPUUse equal to the value reported as HiCPUAMPUse.

This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see Usage Notes - MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY.

HiCPUAMPProc INTEGER ID of the node currently responsible for managing the AMP reported as HiCPUAMPNo.

This value is computed as the module number within a cabinet plus the cabinet number times 10000. For example, a node #123 on cabinet #4 would return an INTEGER value of 40123.

This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see Usage Notes - MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY.

LoCPUAMPUse FLOAT Lowest CPUUse percentage currently associated with any online AMP.

This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see Usage Notes - MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY.

LoCPUAMPNo SMALLINT VProcNo of an AMP with CPUUse equal to the value reported as LoCPUAMPUse.

This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see Usage Notes - MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY.

LoCPUAMPProc INTEGER ID of the node currently responsible for managing the AMP reported as LoCPUAMPNo.

This value is computed as the module number within a cabinet plus the cabinet number times 10000. For example, a node #123 on cabinet #4 would return an INTEGER value of 40123.

This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see Usage Notes - MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY.

HiDiskAMP FLOAT Highest DiskUse percentage currently associated with any online AMP.

This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see Usage Notes - MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY.

HiDiskAMPNo SMALLINT Number of an AMP with DiskUse equal to the value reported as HiDiskAMP.

This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see Usage Notes - MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY.

HiDiskAMPProc INTEGER ID of the node currently responsible for managing the AMP reported in HiDiskAMPNo.

This value is computed as the module number within a cabinet plus the cabinet number times 10000. For example, a node #123 on cabinet #4 would return an INTEGER value of 40123.

This value is NULL when HiDiskAMPNo is NULL.

LoDiskAMP FLOAT Lowest DiskUse percentage currently associated with any online AMP.

This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see Usage Notes - MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY.

LoDiskAMPNo SMALLINT Number of an AMP with DiskUse equal to the value reported as LoDiskAMP.

This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see Usage Notes - MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY.

LoDiskAMPProc INTEGER ID of the node currently responsible for managing the AMP reported as LoDiskAMPNo.

This value is computed as the module number within a cabinet plus the cabinet number times 10000. For example, a node #123 on cabinet #4 would return an INTEGER value of 40123.

This value is NULL when LoDiskAMPNo is NULL.

HiDiskAMPIO FLOAT Highest DiskReads and DiskWrites value currently associated with any online AMP.

This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see Usage Notes - MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY.

HiDiskAMPIONo SMALLINT Number of an AMP with the highest DiskReads and DiskWrites equal to the value reported as HiDiskAMPIO.

This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see Usage Notes - MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY.

HiDiskAMPIOProc INTEGER ID of the node currently responsible for managing the AMP reported in HiDiskAMPIONo.

This value is computed as the module number within a cabinet plus the cabinet number times 10000. For example, a node #123 on cabinet #4 would return an INTEGER value of 40123.

This value is NULL when HiDiskAMPIONo is NULL.

LoDiskAMPIO FLOAT Lowest DiskReads and DiskWrites number currently associated with any online AMP.

This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see Usage Notes - MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY.

LoDiskAMPIONo SMALLINT ID of an AMP with lowest DiskReads and DiskWrites equal to the value reported as LoDiskAMPIO.

This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see Usage Notes - MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY.

LoDiskAMPIOProc INTEGER ID of the node currently responsible for managing the AMP reported as LoDiskAMPIONo.

This value is computed as the module number within a cabinet plus the cabinet number times 10000. For example, a node #123 on cabinet #4 would return an INTEGER value of 40123.

This value is NULL when LoDiskAMPIONo is NULL.

PEAvgCPU FLOAT Average CPUUse for all online PEs in the configuration.

This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see Usage Notes - MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY.

HiCPUPEUse FLOAT Highest CPUUse percentage currently associated with any online PE.

This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see Usage Notes - MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY.

HiCPUPENo SMALLINT VProcNo of a PE with CPUUse equal to the value reported as HiCPUPEUse.

This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see Usage Notes - MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY.

HiCPUPEProc INTEGER ID of the node currently responsible for managing the PE reported in HiCPUPENo.

This value is computed as the module number within a cabinet plus the cabinet number times 10000. For example, a node #123 on cabinet #4 would return an INTEGER value of 40123.

This value is NULL when HiCPUPENo is NULL.

LoCPUPEUse FLOAT Lowest CPUUse percentage currently associated with any online PE.

This value is NULL if certain conditions apply. *

LoCPUPENo SMALLINT VProcNo of a PE with CPUUse equal to the value reported as LoCPUPEUse.

This value is NULL when LoCPUPEUse is NULL.

LoCPUPEProc INTEGER ID of the node currently responsible for managing the PE reported as LoCPUPENo.

This value is computed as the module number within a cabinet plus the cabinet number times 10000. For example, a node #123 on cabinet #4 would return an INTEGER value of 40123.

This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see Usage Notes - MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY.

SessLogCount FLOAT Total number of sessions currently logged onto the system. This value is usually equal to the sum of the SessLogCount values for all PEs.

This value is NULL if certain conditions apply, see Usage Notes - MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY.

SesMonitorSys SMALLINT, NOT NULL, range 0-3600 seconds, Maximum acceptable age of collected session-level data in memory to the PM/API application or end user.

This global rate is the default collection rate for all MONITOR sessions. If the value is set to zero, the collection capability is disabled.

This rate can be changed with the SET SESSION RATE request by specifying a system-wide option and can be saved on disk (in the version record) when it is changed.

SesMonitorLoc SMALLINT, NOT NULL, range 0-3600 seconds, Sets the maximum acceptable age of collected session-level data in memory for an individual Monitor partition session that submits a MONITOR SESSION request.

A rate of zero allows SesMonitorSys to override the current local rate for that session.

This rate can be changed with the SET SESSION RATE request by specifying the a LOCAL rate change option and can be saved on disk and may be lost during a system outage.


range 0- 3600 seconds

Interval in seconds at which resource usage data is written to one or more active resource usage database tables.


Interval in seconds at which all resource usage data is collected in memory for reporting via the PM/API.
Release VARCHAR (29)


Release number of the currently running database software (for example,

This value is supplied by the database.

Version VARCHAR (32)


Version number of the currently running database software (for example,

This value is supplied by the database.

CollectionDate DATE


Date the Virtual Resource cache was last refreshed.
CollectionTime FLOAT


Time the Virtual Resource cache was last refreshed.

Sample Input - CLIv2 Request

This example shows how the parcels for a MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY request, built by CLIv2, look when sent to the database. The size of the response buffer in the example is set at the maximum (64,000 bytes), although you can set it to any size. However, a minimum response size is 32,000 bytes.

Flavor Length Body
Num Name Length Field Value
0003 Data 6 MonVerID 2
0004 Resp 6 BufferSize 64000

Sample Input - Teradata JDBC Driver Request

For an example of how the PM/API request, built in Java, appears when sent to the database server, see Teradata JDBC Driver Reference, available at .

Sample Output

This example shows the values returned in character text format for the MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY request. Your application program may display returned values in a different format.

Submitting request MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY; ...

AMPAvgCPU:     24.59   AMPAvgDisk:     6.79   AMPAvgDiskIO:  1184.75

HiCPUAMPUse:   24.65   HiDiskAMP:      7.20   HiDiskAMPIO:   1218.00
HiCPUAMPNo:        0   HiDiskAMPNo:       2   HiDiskAMPIONo:       0
HiCPUAMPProc:  10001   HiDiskAMPProc: 10001   HiDiskAMPIOProc: 10001

LoCPUAMPUse:   24.53   LoDiskAMP:      6.50   LoDiskAMPIO:   1142.00
LoCPUAMPNo:        2   LoDiskAMPNo:       0   LoDiskAMPIONo:       3
LoCPUAMPProc:  10001   LoDiskAMPProc: 10001   LoDiskAMPIOProc: 10001

PEAvgCPU:       0.00
HiCPUPEUse:     0.00   LoCPUPEUse:     0.00
HiCPUPENo:     30719   LoCPUPENo:     30719
HiCPUPEProc:   10001   LoCPUPEProc:   10001

SessionCnt:     1.00

SesMonitorSys:     1   SesMonitorLoc:     0
VprocLogging:     60   VprocMonitor:     60

Release: 16u.00.00.41                Version: 16u.00.00.41_dr182707m
Collection Date/Time:   07/20/2016 12:39:00.00

Warning and Error Messages

All users who are logged on and issue a MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY request after a system restart or after the last rate change can expect to receive one of the warnings. Typically, the types of situations that can produce warning messages are:
  • After a system restart, before and after a collection period has expired.

    If the collection period has not expired and the user issues the next MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY request, many of the values returned are NULL.

  • After the last rate change, before and after a collection period has expired.

    If the collection period has not expired and the user issues the next MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY request, many of the values returned are NULL.

  • If the resource monitoring rate (ResMonitor) is not enabled, that is, if rate is set to zero. When the user issues the next MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY request, many of the values returned are NULL.


The SET RESOURCE RATE request sets the ResMonitor and ResLogging rates, which are among the responses returned by the MONITOR PHYSICAL SUMMARY or MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY request. Any change to either the ResMonitor or ResLogging rate results in changes in the corresponding response returned by the MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY or MONITOR PHYSICAL SUMMARY request.

You must set ResMonitor to a nonzero rate for MONITOR PHYSICAL SUMMARY or MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY to return meaningful resource utilization data. A zero ResMonitor rate returns NULL for resource utilization information.


Changes to the session-level rates (global and local) specified by SET SESSION RATE are reported in the data returned by MONITOR PHYSICAL SUMMARY or MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY.

The local rate reported is your own local rate. If the local rate is not set, the local rate is reported as zero.

As more session-level monitoring is done (by setting a faster SET SESSION RATE), the resulting overhead may increase the level of CPU usage (reported in MONITOR PHYSICAL SUMMARY or MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY data) by your system. However, this may depend on the size of the rate change and the type of work done by other sessions.


Use MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY with the MONITOR VIRTUAL CONFIG request for an overall system status. These are low overhead requests.

  • Execute the MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY request every 5 or 10 minutes for a low-cost, continuous monitoring of your system.
  • Execute the MONITOR VIRTUAL CONFIG request to get a picture of your system configuration at defined times, such as at the beginning of a day, various times during the day, or when the system is down.

For information on this PMPC PM/API request relationship, see Relationship Between MONITOR VIRTUAL CONFIG and MONITOR VIRTUAL SUMMARY.