TDWMExceptions Function | Application Programming Reference | Teradata Vantage - TDWMExceptions - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

Application Programming Reference

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
June 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantageā„¢


Collects the Teradata dynamic workload management software exception data from the database.


      VProcID            SMALLINT,
      QueryID            BIGINT,
      UserName           VARCHAR(128) CHARACTER SET UNICODE,
      SessionID          INTEGER,
      RequestNum         INTEGER,
      LogicalHostID      SMALLINT,
      AcctString         VARCHAR(128) CHARACTER SET UNICODE,
      WDID               INTEGER,
      OpEnvID            INTEGER,
      SysConID           INTEGER,
      ClassifyTime       FLOAT,
      ClassifyDate       INTEGER,
      ExceptionTime      FLOAT,
      ExceptionDate      INTEGER,
      ExceptionValue     INTEGER,
      ExceptionAction    VARCHAR(10) CHARACTER SET LATIN,
      NewWDID            INTEGER,
      ExceptionCode      INTEGER,
      ExceptionSubCode   INTEGER,
      ErrorText          VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET UNICODE,
      ExtraInfo          VARCHAR(200) CHARACTER SET UNICODE,
      RuleID             INTEGER,
      WarningOnly        VARCHAR(1) CHARACTER SET LATIN,
      RejectionCat       SMALLINT

Usage Notes

The TDWMExceptions function provides similar functionality to a TDWM Exceptions request. For more information about this interface, see TDWM EXCEPTIONS.

Result Rows

Field Name Description
VprocID Vproc the request with the exception was running on.
QueryID Query ID for the query that encountered an exception.
UserName User name used in the query with the exception.
SessionID Session ID of the query with the exception.
RequestNum Request number of the query with the exception.
LogicalHostID Logical host ID of the query with the exception.
AcctString Account string of the query with the exception.
WDID WD ID the query with the exception was running in.
OpEnvID Planned environment ID in force when the query encountered the exception.
SysConID Health condition ID in force when the query encountered the exception.
ClassifyTime Time the query with the exception was classified.
ClassifyDate Date the query with the exception was classified.
ExceptionTime Time the query encountered the exception.
ExceptionDate Date the query encountered the exception.
ExceptionValue Type of exception that occurred:
  • 0x00000001 - Exception time limit exceeded.
  • 0x00000002 - CPU time (AMP and PE) limit exceeded.
  • 0x00000004 - Blocked time limit exceeded.
  • 0x00000008 - Disk to CPU ratio exceeded.
  • 0x00000010 - AMP CPU skew limit exceeded.
  • 0x00000020 - AMP I/O count limit exceeded.
  • 0x00000040 - AMP I/O skew limit exceeded.
  • 0x00000080 - Max row count (for a step) exceeded.
  • 0x00000100 - Max row count (for a query) exceeded.
  • 0x00000200 - Spool space limit exceeded.
  • 0x00000400 - Number of AMPs used in query exceeded.
  • 0x00000800 - Disk CPU ratio value exceeded
  • 0x00001000 - I/O space value exceeded.
A conversion to hex is used to extract the bit values. For example, a value of 1024 converted to hex is 400.
ExceptionAction Exception action taken by the exception handler:
  • A =Abort
  • C =Change WD

    New WDId contains the new WD.

  • L =Log.
  • E =Execute Program

    ExProgram contains the program name.

  • T =Alert

    ExAlert contains the alert name.

  • N = No action

    This option cannot be combined with other actions. It disables exception detection.

  • S =Abort if the statement is a SELECT and no update has been done in the current transaction
  • Q = Insert a row to DBC.SystemQTbl

For example, CE stands for change WD and execute program.

NewWDID WD the query was moved into if the ExceptionAction was change WD.
ExceptionCode Database exception code.
ExceptionSubCode Code for additional information.
This field is not currently used.
ErrorText Error text generated for the exception.
ExtraInfo Exception values noted at the time of the exception.
RuleID Teradata dynamic workload management software rule ID of the rule with the exception handling directive.
WarningOnly Indicator that this is a warning only.
RejectionCat Teradata dynamic workload management software category this query was rejected from.

Example: Using TDWMExceptions

SELECT * from table (TDWM.TDWMExceptions()) as t2;
 *** Query completed. 1 row found. 24 columns returned.
 *** Total elapsed time was 1 second.
         VprocId       16383
         QueryId   163837185173601767
        UserName LUMBER
       SessionId          32
      RequestNum           2
   LogicalHostId      1
      AcctString LUMBER
            WdId          11
           OpEnv           1
          SysCon           1
    ClassifyTime  1.55443000000000E 005
    ClassifyDate     1090928
   ExceptionTime  1.55449000000000E 005
   ExceptionDate     1090928
  ExceptionValue           2
 ExceptionAction LA
         NewWDID          11
   ExceptionCode        3156
ExceptionSubCode           0
       ErrorText CPUTime: 1734ms.
          RuleId           2
    RejectionCat           0