Usage Notes - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

SQL Data Types and Literals

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
June 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantageā„¢

A character value expression can be cast as PERIOD(DATE), PERIOD(TIME), or PERIOD(TIMESTAMP) using the CAST function or implicit casting. A character input value can also be implicitly cast as a Period type.

After any leading and trailing pad characters in the source character value are trimmed, the resulting character string must conform to the format of the target type. Conversion of the beginning and ending portions of the character value expression to corresponding DateTime values follow the existing rules of CHARACTER/VARCHAR to DateTime data type conversions.

The existing rules include conversion of the source value with a TIME or TIMESTAMP format to UTC based on the specified time zone in the source or, if not specified, the current session time zone. The exception to conversion to UTC for Period data types is when the ending portion of the source character is a TIMESTAMP value without a time zone and the value is equal to the maximum value that is used to represent UNTIL_CHANGED; in this case, the value is not changed to UTC.

If the target type has a TIME or TIMESTAMP element type and the beginning or ending bound portions of the character value expression contains leap seconds, the seconds portion gets adjusted to 59.999999 with the precision truncated to the target precision.

If target type has a TIME or TIMESTAMP element type and the target precision is lower than either precision specified in the source character string, an error is reported. If the target precision is higher than a precision specified for a bound in the source character string, trailing zeros are added to the fractional seconds of the corresponding bound of the Period value resulting from the cast.

The target elements are set to the corresponding resulting values.

If the result beginning bound is not less than the result ending bound in their UTC forms, an error is reported.

If an ANSI DateTime format is used to interpret the character data during conversion, then enclosing the beginning and ending values inside apostrophes is optional. For details, see Character Strings that Use ANSI DateTime Format.