HELP TRANSFORM Statement | Teradata Vantage - HELP TRANSFORM Attributes - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

SQL Data Definition Language Detailed Topics

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
July 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantage™

The following table lists the attributes reported by HELP TRANSFORM:

Attribute Data Type Nullable? Description
Group VARCHAR(30) No The name of the transform group for this UDT.
Predefined Type VARCHAR(30) No The predefined data type that is associated with either the fromsql or tosql routine of this transform group.
from-sql VARCHAR(61) Yes
  • If the UDT is a structured type, this is the fully qualified specific name of the external routine that provides the fromsql transform functionality.
  • If the UDT is a distinct type and its transform functionality is system-generated, this is the word Local.
  • If FROM-SQL is null, then TO-SQL cannot be null.
to-sql VARCHAR(61) Yes
  • If the UDT is a structured type, this is the fully qualified specific name of the external routine that provides the tosql transform functionality.
  • If the UDT is a distinct type and its transform functionality is system-generated, this is the word Local.
  • If To-SQL is null, then FROM-SQL cannot be null.
Dictionary Group VARCHAR(128) No The attributes shown in this section are based upon and supersede the corresponding older attributes, Group Name, from-sql, and to-sql, while providing additional functionality.

The older attributes are retained for compatibility with existing applications.

The from-sql Database and to-sql Database attributes identify the database that contains the external routine that performs the transform function.

The system returns this set of attributes for each column in the HELP TABLE.

For details, see the topics beginning with Object Name and Title Data in HELP Reports.

SQL Group VARCHAR(644) No
Group UEscape VARCHAR(1) Yes
from-sql Database Dictionary VARCHAR(128) No
from-sql Database SQL VARCHAR(644) No
from-sql Database UEscape VARCHAR(1) Yes
from-sql Dictionary VARCHAR(128) No
from-sql SQL VARCHAR(644) No
from-sql UEscape VARCHAR(1) Yes
to-sql Database Dictionary VARCHAR(128) No
to-sql Database SQL VARCHAR(644) No
to-sql Database UEscape VARCHAR(1) Yes
to-sql Dictionary VARCHAR(128) No
to-sql SQL VARCHAR(644) No
to-sql UEscape VARCHAR(1) Yes