Rules Hierarchy for SHOW QUERY LOGGING - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

SQL Data Definition Language Detailed Topics

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
July 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantage™

When you submit a SHOW QUERY LOGGING request, it searches the rules cache and DBC.LogRuleTbl in the following order for a match:

Order in Hierarchy Type of Rule
1 A rule based on an application name.
2 A rule for this specific user and specific account.
3 A rule for this specific user and any account.
4 A rule for all users and this specific account.
5 A rule for all users and any account.

If you create multiple specific logging rules that match a rule type, Vantage places them within each rule type in the hierarchy in the order they are created.

Vantage uses the following criteria to determine how to match SHOW QUERY LOGGING requests with the rules that exist in the rules cache and in DBC.LogRuleTbl. Note that these criteria handle conditions where the request does not match any specific rules in the rules cache or DBC.LogRuleTbl.

IF you specify … THEN the request searches for the following single best fit rule …
an application name the matching application name rule.
a single user name and account name the matching rule from the following set, searching in the order indicated:
  1. specified user name:specified account name
  2. specified user name:ALL account names
  3. ALL user names:specified account name
  4. ALL user names:ALL account names
a single user name, but no account name the matching rule from the following set, searching in the order indicated:
  1. specified user name:ALL account names
  2. ALL user names:ALL account names
ALL and a specific account name the matching rule from the following set, searching in the order indicated:
  1. ALL user names:specified account name
  2. ALL user names:ALL account names
ALL, but no account name the matching ALL user names:ALL account names rule.