HELP SESSION output includes the Unicode Pass Through attribute setting:
Setting | Unicode Pass Through |
S | On for the session |
F | Off for the session. |
The following output shows that Unicode Pass Through is on for the session.
The output is abbreviated.
HELP SESSION; *** Help information returned. One row. *** Total elapsed time was 1 second. User Name DBC Account Name DBC Logon Date 16/07/07 Logon Time 16:01:51 Current DataBase DBC Collation ASCII Character Set ASCII Transaction Semantics Teradata Current DateForm IntegerDate Session Time Zone -07:00 Default Character Type LATIN Export Latin 1 Export Unicode 1 Export Unicode Adjust 0 Export KanjiSJIS 1 Export Graphic 0 Default Date Format YY/MM/DD ... Zone Name SearchUIFDBPath ? Transaction QueryBand ? Session QueryBand ? Profile QueryBand ? Unicode Pass Through S